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   Doyoung's blue car scattered the gravel from the driveway as he drove off with Jaehyun, Johnny, Jaemin, and Jeno. Mark took off with Chenle since it was on his way, and Mark was the only one of the friends with his license.

   Jisung had settled down on the steps leading up to his house. Akina joined him, Haechan following.

   "That was a good game," Akina commented to the two of them.

   "You're a natural." Haechan nudged Akina's arm with his elbow, flashing a quick smile her way. Akina started to smile, but looked down so her hair could shield her face.

   Jisung wanted to say something, but couldn't find anything. No words could form in the back of his throat.

   Not more than two minutes seemed to pass when Haechan's ride appeared. Haechan ran off, taking his basketball with him. All of a sudden, he slid to a stop and turned back around. It looked as if something was being weighed in his head and was hesitant. His eyes locked with Akina's.

   Jisung looked over to see Akina standing up as Hadchan started to walk back to her. Haechan scratched the back of his neck, the tips of his ears turning pink.

   "Hey, Akina," Haechan started, still looking unsure and shy. "Do you mind if I borrow your phone for a second?"

   Akina cocked her head in confusion, but didn't ask why. She handed her phone over to a smiling Haechan. Jisung stood up and watched Haechan type something onto her phone and hand it back. Jisung could see over Akina's shoulder that a new contact was created called 'Donghyuck' with Haechan's number.

   "Just so we can keep in touch when we're not in art," Haechan told Akina. "Text me later." Haechan looked passed Akina and at Jisung. "See you later, Ji."

   Jisung didn't say anything. He stood completely still. Haechan looked back at Akina, dipped his head, and rushed off to his ride.

   Akina giggled. "Haechan really is something." She shook her head and turned towards Jisung, who's eyes were locked on the car now pulling out of the driveway. Akina's smile faded as she waved her hand in front of Jisung's face. "Are you okay?"

   Jisung broke his frozen stare and looked at Akina. He shook out of his trance and placed a forced smile onto his face. "I'm fine."

   Akina narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "What if I told you I didn't believe you?"

   Jisung bit the inside of his cheek, letting the fake smile fall. "I'm just worn out from playing basketball. We had a bad loss."

   "Our team did dominate. Maybe we should take a relaxing walk to feel better?"

   Jisung let out a breath that seemed to have been held in the whole evening. "Sounds good."

   It wasn't until they reached then end of the driveway, Akina started to speak. "Jisung, do you have a favorite word? Is there any in particular that stands out to you?"

   Jisung looked down, kicking a rock in front of him. "I guess I like words that are fun to say. Something like bubbly or flabbergasted."

   Akina let the corners of her mouth twist up. "Like befuddled?"

   Jisung's lips also turned up. He nodded. "Yeah, shenanigans."

   Akina laughed this time. "I like those answers."

   Jisung kicked the rock again, and they turned towards the direction of the creek. "What about you?" Jisung asked. "Do you have a favorite word?"

   "I like hidddn words. Ones that you don't normally hear, but have beautiful meanings. For example, serendipity." Akina ran her fingers through her long, dark hair. "It means to have have found something amazing without even looking for it."

   The rock was kicked down the road. Jisung liked that word. "Give me another one."

   Akina thought for a good second. "Nepenthe. A nepenthe is something that can make you forget about grief or suffering."

   "Where do you learn these?"

   "I have a lot of free time, being an only child."

   Jisung huffed a laugh.

   "You're lucky to have a brother like Taeyong." Akina glanced over to Jisung. He still locked his eyes in the road.

   "It isn't as peachy as you think it is. He can be embarrassing."

   "He's just looking out for you. Taeyong really cares about you." Akina kicked the rock this time. "You should return the feeling."

   When Jisung didn't respond, Akina hooked her arm with Jisung's and pulled him along. Jisung's eyes finally unlocked with the ground and widened at her sudden gesture.

   It wasn't long before they reached the creek. Akina got down and let her legs fall off the side of the bridge. She looked down into the water and watched it flow under her. Jisung noticed during the last of their walk how Akina's expression seemed to dull, as if she lost herself in some deep, dark thought.

   Jisung sat down next to her, studying her fallen expression. "Are you okay?"

   Akina looked up to Jisung, a watery smile on her face. "Yeah, I'm alright."

   "What if I told you I didn't believe you?" Jisung asked, copying her words from earlier.

   Akina looked down, closing her eyes and smiled wider. "I just think too much."

   "What do you think about?"

   A sigh escaped Akina. She looked back up to Jisung, leaning her head against the railing. "Nothing in particular. Sometimes I just think about my family, or what bad things could happen next." Akina shrugged. "I'm stuck in my own little world a lot."

   Jisung blinked. "Why think negatively?"

   "I don't know, Jisung. It's what plays through my head. Living in my own head can get hard on me; keeping everything inside." Akina dropped her field of vision back to the water. "Remember when I mentioned the word serendipity?"

   "Yeah," Jisung replied.

   "I think you're a serendipity to me. You let me talk about what ever, and you haven't left yet. It's not everyday you find a good listener. I wasn't even looking, yet I found something good."

   Jisung was blank for a couple seconds. He started at Akina as she stared at the water. Jisung had to look away after letting that process through his head to hide the smile that was trying to surface.

   "Let's be friends, Jisung."

nepenthe // p.jisungWhere stories live. Discover now