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It was the first signs of spring. The snow was completely melted, flowers began to bloom, and the creek was no longer frozen over. Jisung sat in the living room, getting ready to head outside into the nicest weather he's seen in a while. Taeyong walked into the living room after hearing Jisung.

"Are you waiting for Akina?" he asked with a look a warmth showing on his face.

"Not yet," Jisung replied, slipping on his shoes. "I'm going to go outside and shoot the basketball a little bit before we go for a walk."

Taeyong nodded, thinking. "Would you be okay if I shot some with you?"

Jisung looked at his hyung and tilted his head. "Sure. Why wouldn't I be?"

Taeyong let his happiness show. "I didn't know if it would bother you or not. I know that you don't really care about hanging out with me that much anymore."

Jisung rose from the couch and walked towards the door. "You don't bother me. I... love you, hyung." Jisung showed a smile before walking out the door.

Taeyong actually felt joy from that simple sentence. I love you, hyung. Maybe Jisung really did care about his older brother.

"Are you ready to take my bigger room when I move out for college?" Taeyong asked Jisung as he tossed the basketball in the direction of the goal.

Jisung retrieved the ball. "I'm not going to take your room."

Taeyong gave a confused look. "I thought you wanted it because it was bigger."

Jisung shook his head. "I don't want you to leave for college, if I'm going to be honest. I'm going to miss you so much."

"Ji," Tae started to say. He actually felt his words catch in his throat from all the emotions hitting him. "I'm going to miss you too."

Taeyong pulled Jisung into a big bear hug and Jisung returned it.

"I don't know how I'm going to survive the rest of high school without you." Jisung sighed. "I wish I didn't push you away during those years. I regret all the terrible things I ever said to you. Will you forgive me?"

"Of course, I forgive you, Ji. I could never hold anything against you." Taeyong's hug tightened as he felt warm tears filling the rims of his eyes. "I'll make sure to visit you, mom, and dad often."

"You better. Don't leave me hanging." There was a small break in Jisung's sentence as a single tear traveled down his cheek and fell to the gravel.

Jisung and Taeyong continued their game, feeling closer than they ever had before. Jisung really was going to miss these kinds of moments when Taeyong leaves for college.

Akina found the two of them playing basketball and got a fuzzy feeling in her chest seeing the two brothers getting along once again. Jisung noticed her and ran off down the drive. Taeyong gave them a smile, and Jisung a sneaky wink.

On their way to the creek, Akina bent down to pluck a bright yellow dandelion.

"JiJi, did you know that if you brush a dandelion under your chin, and it leaves a yellow streak, you're in love?"

"Really?" Jisung asked, not really believing it.

Akina nodded with enthusiasm. "Do you want to try?" Akina gave a small chuckled as she softly swiped it under Jisung's chin. She was quiet and blank for a second.

"What is it?" Jisung asked.

A bright grin finally surfaced. "JiJi is in love? Who's the lucky lady?"

Jisung simply rolled his eyes, but his smile gave away the amusement he felt. "I don't think a dandelion can tell such a thing. Are you going to try?"

Akina dropped the dandelion. "You're probably right." Her gaze drifted up to the darkening clouds that seemed to be slowly moving by. "Plus, I don't need a dandelion to tell me something I already know."

The clear weather soon became dark and gloomy. The first few drops of rain began to fall on the two as they sat on the bridge's edge. The rain began to quickly escalate with a heavy pour. Jisung picked up his jacket that he was thankful to have at the moment. Even with the weather warming up, he brought it just in case.

Jisung hovered the jacket above both his and Akina's heads. It didn't stop much, but it was enough.

"What are you doing?" Akina questioned, glancing up at the jacket.

"I don't want you to catch a cold."

"It's not worth it, JiJi. I'm going to be walking the rest of the way home in the rain anyway."

Jisung wouldn't take no for an answer. "Well, I guess you'll just have to come back to my house until the rainy weather clears."

"I don't want to intrude."

"It's not intruding if I'm inviting you to stay for dinner."

Akina let out a soft chuckle. "In that case, thank you, JiJi."

When the two got back to Jisung's house, it started to come down even harder than before. Thunder clapped in the distance, and a thin streak of lightning could be seen. Taeyong stood in the kitchen, starting to prepare dinner as Akina and Jisung sat on the couch staring out the window.

"I love storms," Akina breathed. She seemed to be at peace. "It reminds me that even the sky has to scream sometimes."

Jisung and Taeyong's father had returned home from running errands. He stopped at the door, dripping with rain when he saw Akina, a girl he didn't recognize, sitting in his living room. Akina immediately got up from where she was sitting to greet their father. She was incredibly polite, and it made Jisung have an even higher respect for her.

They all sat at the dining table eating the amazing dinner that Taeyong had prepared. Their father was very intrigued by Akina and how easily she could talk or answer questions. Right at the end of dining, the front door opened to reveal their mother coming home.

"Oh, honey," Jisung's dad called to his mom. "You have to meet Akina."

The mom greeted with a warm smile and was most excited to meet her. Akina gave a great impression that night, and left with a sweet goodbye.

Jisung's dad gave a pleased look to Jisung. "I really like her," he told Jisung. "Don't you?"

"She's a great friend."

His dad's expression dropped a little. "You don't think of her as anything more?"

Jisung shrugged before retreating to his room. Do you think of her as anything more? Jisung asked himself once he settled down in his bed. Do you like her?

Jisung closed his eyes to find pictures of Akina playing behind his eyelids. Her smile illuminated his thoughts and sparked. He could see her watching things, her expression changing with her thoughts. He could feel her leaning in towards his chest as she cried, and Jisung thought she was so beautiful. He could feel his heart race as he pictured her deep brown eyes staring into his. The feel of her hand drifted on his own, but when he went to wrap his fingers around, he opened up his eyes, coming back to reality.

I do like Akina more than just a friend, Jisung thought.

I think I love her.

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