Chapter 15

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(Names) POV

You walked into the hotel and immediately Itona approached you, you looked down, he didn't feel it but you felt it deeply to your very core, he slapped you. On closer inspection, he was ...crying? You actually felt like shit, you made someone you considered your brother cry. You hugged him to the point he could barely breathe, he looked at you than broke the silence "I'll stick to my promise, but next time you better have a DAMNED good reason. idiot" you put your arm around the boys shoulder and walked in,Karma following close behind 1 down 3 to go.
You walked into where everyone was, and someone had smacked you so hard you actually felt the print forming, you looked up to see, an extremely pissed off, Rio. She grabbed your collar pulling you close to her face "What the HELL was that" she than hugged you and cried to her hearts content, you stroked her hair waiting for her to finish. Once she had, she hugged you again and whispered "don't fucking scare me like that" she than smiled at you as tears streamed her face, 2 down 2 ta go. Korosensei seemed to be next, he walked up to you and..hugged you?!? "(name) I'm sorry I left you when you needed me most" he lowered his voice for only you to hear, your eyes turned blue and you hugged him crying "yeah you ass, but I'll forgive you. I really missed you" he let you go so you could face the last person. Irina stood there unable to speak her feelings, she's always kinda been like that, so she did the next best thing. She jumped at you with knives and attacked you, you fought back immediately. Everyone attempted to intervene, but Korosensei stopped them "this is how they need to communicate"everyone stopped trying to help and watched. "So you were just gonna end your life like that" Irina decided to start verbal words attacks as well, "I WAS ALONE, why the hell do you care?" This seemed to snap something in Irina "BECAUSE I THOUGHT OF YOU LIKE A DAUGHTER OR BABY SISTER" "THAN WHY DIDNT YOU LOOK FOR ME" "I DID" you stopped she looked for me as did Irina, she ran up and hugged you "of course I did" you looked around to see all your classmates they're worried?!? Maehara ran up and hugged you "IM SO SORRY" you pat his back to show him it was okay.
Once you looked up you saw Okuda dragging your love by the hand. He didn't seem to want to go, but also wouldn't like to hurt the girl; you on the other hand, had no problem doing just that. "OKUDA *said girl freeze* i ask you to kindly not drag my boyfriend away against his will" at this everyone froze except Irina who nudged you as you blushed a bit, Okuda turned "what do you mean Your boyfriend? Karma?" Said boy looked away blushing, he scratched his neck "I mean we're not 100% official because I want her trust first, but yeah... I love her" Karma took Okudas hand out of his than walked over to you, he than intertwined his hand with yours "you done being lectured?" You nodded as you began walking with him. Rio snapped out of it "OH NO YOU DONT GET BACK HERE AND EXPLAIN" you froze, turned to Karma smiled warmly and took off "run"
3rd persons POV

Rio had chased (name) around as she ran, (name) had finally been tracked down on the boat home, so here she was in a cabin with all the girls minus okuda. Rio was getting irritated as you seemed to evade all of her questions, so she did the next best thing, she got the girls to pin (name) down and tickled her feet. But (name) was literally trained to stand torture plus she wasn't ticklish. She just decided to be nice and began answering the girls questions telling the most of the details, leaving out the dominating Karma only to save his ego.
(Names) POV

You were talking with Itona, although you felt bad putting him through this all again, unable to look in his eyes as you spoke. He grabbed your face staring into your very soul, but you just kept trying to look away. Finally he shouted "LOOK AT ME FOR THE LOVE OF GOD" your eyes were orange from embarrassment and nervousness "I'm sorry Itona" he looked confused as you looked down in shame "I made you find me in that state twice..." he definitely was angry, but he just hugged "I'd rather find you in that state 100 times than let you die" you smiled hugging the small boy back.
Ready to start class once again.

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