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Your Pov

I sat beside Wen who when I turned around from that embarrassing moment was already excited to, see me? and tapped the sit at her left indicating me to sit there.

"Y/n is it fine if I sit here?" Jaeden asked pointing to the sit behind me.

"Sure, that's something you don't even have to ask for."

"Oh. Ok then."

"Who's the cute guy?" Wen asked me
In a whisper tone only I could hear but still I looked around to check if anybody else had heard her.

"What, Jaeden? He's just-" I got cut by the same boy

"Hey, was that my name I heard you say?" Jaeden asked looking at me, I looked into his eyes, his beautiful green eyes. Wait, no no no. What the freak are you thinking Y/N ! Have you gone insane?! Just because Wen said he's cute you're gonna think the same? You just met him. But...well tbh he is actually pretty attractive, I guess that doesn't really matter, because it's not like if you like him, right? you just...find him attractive? Yeah, I'll go with that. I don't like him, I just find him attractive. Or?. No ! I mean..."UGH" I said, in struggle with the debate going through my head at that moment.

"Oh sorry, was it a private conversation you girls where having in which I casually heard my name being said. Soooo private you got annoyed of me asking you about it Y/N?" He said in a kind of sarcastic voice but you could tell he was joking and he didn't bother if it would've actually been that.


There it goes that thing again.

When he says my name.

What is going on with me today?!.

"Hehe, what? no!, we were just saying that-" I managed to try get words out of my mouth to explain myself, even though I knew he was joking, I still got nervous for some strange damn reason.

Wen cut me.

"Y/N was just telling me how cute she thinks you are"

"What?! I never-"

"Is that true?" Jaeden said in a kinda  serious way, his eyes wide open while looking at me, making me completely froze at his words.

welp shit.

Thank's Wen, you're totally the best "friend" there could be sometimes. 
A/N: Chapter 2 done ✔️ please vote for updates.

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