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Y/N's POV.

I woke up and looked at myself in the mirror, I had puffy eyes and some big ass eye bags, I'd usually complain but compared to all the crying yesterday, this was expected.

After I got dressed for school I still had 5 minutes and I was practically all ready so I sat on the boarder of my bed while I packed everything into my backpack when a question popped into my head.

What am I gonna tell Jaeden?

I had thought about it. There was no doubt.
I still liked Jaeden, even if a part of me was mad at him and felt like slapping him across his beautiful face every time I saw him, I couldn't. So instead, I cried it out and just blamed it all on him, on Olive, on me.

"The bus is here Y/N, come down" my mom yelled from downstairs, interrupting my thoughts.

"Coming!" I yelled back and grabbed my stuff while I headed downstairs stumbling at each of the stairs.

"Bye mom" I said and waved good bye to my mom while I closed the door behind me.

As soon as I got into the bus I saw a familiar face.


He was talking with Wyatt, one of his friends while I slowly approached my seat next to Wen who had waved at me to sit next to her.
Next thing, freaking Wyatt whispers something on to Jaeden's ear that causes him to look up from his seat and immediately meet my eyes.

'You can do this Y/N, you can do this'

I gave him a shy smile not knowing what else to do. After all it's my fault, I can't get angry at him.

Okay, just pretend that nothing about Yesterday happened.

He didn't respond a smile, I wouldn't judge him, I acted like a complete bitch yesterday, ugh why me.

I quickly looked back to Wen and saw her smiling at me so I approached her before the bus started moving again.

"Hey" Wen said as I sat down beside her.

"H-Hi Wen"  I said and offered her a pretty noticeable fake smile which she clearly didn't believe.

"Y/N is everything okay?" She sounded worried  while she looked at me with concerned eyes.

"Y-Yeah why?" I lied.

"Well, first of all you just gave me that weird grin or whatever, and also you never stutter". I didn't know how to respond so I just kept myself silent.

"OH COME ON ! What's wrong?" She screamed.

"Yell it louder for the people in the back huh?!"
I had one of my hands on her mouth but quickly removed it when I felt how her tongue licked my palm"

"Ew Wen !" I yelled

"Okay okay" She said with hands in the air like proving she's innocent. "But for real, tell me. What happened?"

"Ugh fine" I sighed "Basically me and Jaeden had a fight yesterday and it was me who started it and I was the asshole, not him, and now I feel guilty for what happened and I don't know what to do". I spat all at once.

"Well then what are you doing here?" She choked a little and continued, "Go Apologize !"

"So I just go?"

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