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Jaeden's Pov

I saw Y/N coming towards the table I was sitting at, for some reason I separated myself from Olive immediately when I saw her. Wow, she's so beautiful and I love the sound of her voice when she says my name, which now that I remember she mentioned while talking to Wen, one of her friends, when I asked her about it she seemed a little uncomfortable with it so I just let it pass.

"Hey guys" I heard Wen said when both of them arrived to the table me & Olive were at. Y/N was standing behind her. Her head was pointing down until she looked up and her eyes instantly connected with mines, But the sight was broke with both of us realizing it and ending up looking away.

"Hi Olive, Jaeden." Her calm voice finally said

"Hey Y/N what's up!" I said trying to attract her attention. Oh god. What the- Attract her attention. No Jaeden, no. Not an other crush, it's your first day in your new school, don't mess up !

"Olive can I talk to you?, like, privately?" Y/N said, totally ignoring me, nice try Jaeden, your cru-, no. Friend* just ignored you.

"Yeah, sure" Olive said.

Next thing, I saw how Olive got up the table and went over to Y/N and then both walked away so they could "talk privately".

"We'll talk about that later, now answer my question, Why were you and Jaeden so close to each other back there?"

"Wow you're so nice Y/N. But if you really want to know, he's a friend, we used to date some time back, but things didn't really go well so we broke up and thought we were better as friends." I heard her say. She had never told me she had a boyfriend, NEVER. In the 10 years of knowing each other she never told me she had a boyfriend.

"Ok, but if he was your boyfriend, why didn't you tell me? I thought friends told each other everything, specially this kind of things. Friends don't lie, and you know that Olive." I felt angry at her for not telling me before.

"Well, when we were together, last year, he made me promise I wouldn't tell anyone, our parents knew that we were together, but his parents only allowed him to have me as his girlfriend if it wouldn't be public. That was the pay for our happiness together, obviously a happiness of love which shortly after died but continued as a friendship happiness, you understand?"

"Oh ok, I'm- I'm sorry Olive, it's fine, and uh how old is he?" I asked in a shy tone, I had just told my closest friend those things without knowing the whole story, I felt bad for it.

"Same age Wen, you and I, 14. Um,


"Why do you want to know all this things about Jaeden and I?"

"Well, I'm still...figuring that out, I guess I just-"

"Oh my god ! Y/N !"


"You got a crush on Jaeden don't you!"
She said with a big smile on her face while covering her mouth with her hands.

"Well, yeah, kinda" I said, I didn't want to lie to my best friend after judging her for something that wasn't really her fault.

"I knew it! " She said, "Now come on, let's go back with the others" She said while pulling me by the wrist.

"Wait ! " I said stopping myself.

"What is it?"

"Promise me you won't tell anybody, specially Jaeden." I told her serious.

"I Promise I won't. But, wait does Wen knows yet?"

"Yeah, she figured it out first than me, she's the one who made me realized I like him." I told her

"Oh, alright. That's good" Olive said

"Yeah, I really didn't want to keep this from you guys, you're my best friends. And, Again Olive, I'm sorry for what I said before, I'm glad to see you " I said with a shy smile after.

"No problem, you were just a little Jelly, it's fine." She winked at me indicating she wasn't mad at me.

"Now come on! They're probably wondering were are we" She said and we started walking back towards the table".

A/N: This one was a little longer than usual but chapter 4 ✔️ ;)
Keep Voting so I keep with this trash :) ILY.

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