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[A/N: Play the video when indicated ;) ]

Jaeden's Pov

I saw Corey & Y/N dancing and laughing, they looked like having a good time, they were probably having more fun than me right now, that's something I can tell.

I couldn't stop looking at her. Y/N. Pretty.

"That should be me" I whispered under my breath.
But instead here I was with my still-in-process friend, & ex-girlfriend.

"What?" Olive asked.

Oh shit, did I say that all loud?! Huh.

"nothing. I was just th-thinking." I stuttered.

God Jaeden you dumbass that was a close one.

"About what?"

"More like who.." I blurted that out, accidentally obviously.



"uh nothing, just-" C'mon Jaeden don't mess up and think of something. "Um..you look nice Olive" I finally said using that as an excuse, even though, If I'm honest, she was looking pretty good.

"Well Thank's Jae, I was starting to assume you were thinking on some other girl Hah" She giggled and shook her head rethinking on what she'd just said.

"Haha" I fake laughed trying to follow her game.

I think I made it through safe, she's not talking anymore. Phew.

"you look really attractive too" She mentioned out of nowhere followed by a short smile forming on her face that caused me to blush a little.

--The Song "Wanna be yours" by Artic Monkeys started playing--- [Play Song]

"OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS SONG !! " she screamed near my freaking ear causing me to go nearly deaf.

I knew Olive liked this song, she used to repeat it ALL the time when we used to date. But I didn't give much importance to it.

This was also one of  Y/N 's favorite songs.

How do I know?... well I wouldn't like to call myself a stalker but more of a dedicated searcher...

Ok.ok. Maybe I spend the whole night before "stalking" her on social media under my blankets so I'd get to know her better, I could have asked her directly but that wasn't on my to-do list, lately we don't talk anymore so I guess it'd be awkward and weird if I started a conversation with her out of nowhere after not talking to her for weeks.


"Hey This is on my top 3 favorites!!" I said as soon as I heard the beginning of the song Wanna be yours.

"You like Artic Monkeys?"

"Who doesn't?"



"I don't know, I guess I never thought you were the kind of girl that likes listening to this kind of groups". [Corey] he then laughed nervously a little.

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