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I left the bus and quickly got my keys out and ran into my house just to stop by my mom yelling "Y/N IS DAT YOU"

"No, it's Pennywise the dancing clown".

"Ok so it's you." She said scooting up to me.

"really?" I asked in sarcasm.

"Oh come here you little girl" and after that I was suddenly surrounded by my moms arms around me, I hugged her back tightly, my mom gives the best hugs. I let out a sniffle while I was still close to her chest. "Oh honey, it's everything okay?" She said breaking the hug and holding my arms while her eyes narrow over my face to inspect carefully every inch of my facial expressions.

"Do I look like I'm okay?" I asked, not trying to sound rude. But I mean, my face was literally wet because of the billion tears and my eyes were still watery.

"This is related to school isn't it?" She said wiping one of my tears away with her thumb, her hands passed from my arms to holding my face.

"More like the people that assist it" I sighed and removed my moms hands from my face.

"Is it Wen? Did she did someth- WAIT NO! It's Olive again isn't it? Did she got flirty again with that boy you always talk about?, what's his name-"

"Jaeden" I said but my voice cracked when I pronounced his name only causing more tears to  come out just by the thought of him.

"Yeah That guy! Did Olive-"

"OLIVE has nothing to do with this mom !" I shouted, I know it was wrong for me talking like this to my mom but I couldn't help it, I shove one of her hands off my face and brought both of my hands to my face, hiding myself in embarrassment from my mom while harshly whipping my tears off.

"Then why are you cr-"

"I'm Crying because of yes, That guy". I said screaming once again and getting my hands loose from my face and bringing them to my sides.

"Jaeden?" Her eyebrows furrowed at the thought of him. I simply nodded.
"Oh I-I understand, this is a boy case huh? Well, don't be sad, where's the Y/N I know? The one that'd tell me to 'stfu Einstein' every time I'd mention a boy's name? I want that
Y/N. bring her back." She poked my stomach only making me burst into a pit of laughter.
I knew she was nervous, we never had talks about guys, well, at least not serious ones. But for being my mom, she was doing good. Surprisingly good actually.

"Well, as much as I like that Y/N too, I don't know what happened to her, it just- We started arguing in the bus and he mentioned the Kiss with Olive and after that I cried but I'm sure he didn't noticed cause I turned away, but then he said the house is nice and, and-" My mom cut me for my luck because I was starting to hyperventilate, I always do when I get angry or nervous, I talk so fast people barely understand what I say but I just can't help it.

"Hold up there, you were arguing?" My mom asked raising one of her boney fingers to my mouth so I'd shush.
" yeah why?" I asked carelessly getting her finger off my mouth.
"Are you sure you guys were arguing? weren't you  fighting ?"  My mom and my dad, both cared a lot about that, the people I fought with, the people that are 'meaningful' to me. It sounds dumb at first but once you constantly go with it and other thousand of my parents theories you kinda get used to it.

Her question caught me off guard though, I mean I thought about it on the bus but now my mom is thinking about it too.

"I don't know" I finally said. "He did call it a fight but, I honestly don't know" I sighed remembering the incident once again.

"See honey, I told you a thousand times how the people you fight with are the ones you care enough to start a fight."

"Yeah, so?" I said with furrowed eyebrows.

"Well, judging on how you talked about him and break out in tears, I'd say he's the kind of people that take one of the small chairs in your brain section 'meaningful' " My mom was talking to me as she did with my 7 year old sister. Oh, forgot to mention, my mom's a psychologist, that's why whenever I have a trouble with anything I talk to her about it and she gives me a wise speech on her theory about it, just like she's doing right now.

"What Am I saying about your brain?!, I mean your heart !" She said while poking my chest with her finger. Causing me to giggle.

"Mom stop talking to me like you do with Molly"

"Okay, okay you got me on that one" I sighed looking down but my mom continued "But hey, are you really that mad with him? Did you even let him talk to you about it? Maybe he didn't mean to kiss Olive, Did you at least listened to his part of the story"

What my mom said was true, I hadn't even let him tell me correctly what happened, I only kept judging him and getting angry at him for what I saw...
What If he really didn't mean it? . NO. He wanted to kiss her, he kissed her back. But what if he couldn't help it?. Aghh I can't anymore, my brain keeps getting bombarded with questions and I feel how my eyes start getting glossy again.

"Y-You know what mom, I-I think I'll go to my room now, thanks for the help" I said between sniffles while I stood up.

"Fine" my mom sighed when she saw tears starting to form once again on my fluffy eyes. "But remember I'm always here if you wanna talk okay? And don't cry too much, I don't want to hear you complaining about your fluffy eye bags tomorrow"

"Yeah whatever, thanks mom" I said and after that I was already closing my bedroom's door behind me and throwing myself onto my bed letting all out.

I had to talk to Jaeden. But before I could keep thinking about it I was found in deep sleep.

A/N: OMGGGG you guys thanks sfm for 3k views this is a lot more than I expected and I'm forever thankful, Ily all sfm and thanks to those that keep reading this since the beginning and for the new readers, welcome and I hope you like this book so far and don't cringe too much at it ❤️🤧 :)

A/N 2: I haven't watched the Death Cure and I'm freaking dying to see it and I know I'm gonna cry when I watch it and yeah welp.

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