Chapter 4

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I had been up about three being sick and Gina had heard me and when i got up for school she sent me back to bed, i was feleing fine but i wasnt complaining when she suggested it. I stayed in bed all day playing my Xbox and i wasnt sick once.

"JO!" Gina shouted from the office, i had been sleeping for....five hours according to my clock. I ginored her and wrapped my covers over my head. I heard my door open but i was to lazy to look up "JO!" she shouted again.

I heard her sigh and slam the door behind her and talk to Tommy "JO!" she shouted and thats when i blew it. AI stormed to my door opening it suddenly and the first thing i saw was a family, a mum a dad and two kids who i had sene in school and knew they were in the grade below,

I averted my eyes angryily at Gina "what the cheese do you want, im ill and i had been sleeping i dont need you shouting yoiur lungs out!" i said and they all looked at me as Harry came up and looked at my top as he read it,

It said 'Fuck me' on it so this was going to be intresting "what does it mean?" he asked and i thought about it "it means im going to hug you endlessly!" i said tickeling him and he laughed. He got up and ran to Lisa and we all watche dhim for a minute,

"Fuck me!" he said with his arms open out wide and she looked at him in complete shock while Mac was on the floor laughing hi heart out "w-what?" she asked lost for words "fuck me~!" he said and she looked at me,

"what did you do to him?" she asked and i held my hand sup"nothing" i said and she glared at me and they walke dinto the living room as he asked'why wont you fuck me?' "if you dont mind im off to candyland and im going to eat the chocolate bunny that wont give me my candy cane back, which oddly looks like the pope!" i said and they all raised an eyebrow,

"Jo get changed and meet us in the office, this family want to considering fostering you!" Tommy said and i nodded "okie dokie!" i said and shut my door behind me, i was use to this. I knew the routine, they would show intrest, i saty at theres for a week to see how it goes then they say no because im either missing something or we didnt just get on.

I got dressed in some black skinny jeans, a black top and grey hoodie, i was ill and feeling like crap dont blame me. I walke dinto the office and slumped on the couch "you okay you look pale?" the woman asked me and i nodded,

"oarden my french but i feel like crap, sorry!" i siad and she smiled "its alright pet, i have two teenage kids im use to it!" she said and i nodded "you sure your okay, why dont you lie down you might take a fit!" Tommy said and i shook my head,

"im fine, honest!" i said and he nodded "Jo here has epilepsy, it was in her notes!" Gina said and they parents nodded "we saw, Jill is a nurse so she explaind it to us all!" the dad said. I looked the family over and the dad seemed familour,

He was dressed like a biker. He was very buch and muscly, he had a black t shirt on and a ripped denim jackets, blue skinny jeans and black boots. Jill was in some navy blue skinny jeans and a white t shirt,

The daughter who i knew was called Kate was in some grey skinny jeans and a pink t shirt and Jake who i knew was in the soccer team was in black skinny jeans, a white t shirt, red hoodie and a checked scarf. They all looked normal considering the families ive seen.

"cool!" i said and they nodded "okay so first is there any qwuestions before we start with all this?" Tommy asked and we all shook our heads, they'll have read my notes and know a bit about me. I knwo nothing but im not sure what to ask so i'll let it slip.

Tommy satrted saying what kind of person i am and i do have some problems but with some care im fine. He told me about a bit of everyone in the family and the more he talked the more my head hurt.

"can i get my glasse si got a headache?" i asked and tey nodded "sure thing!" Gina said and i stood up. I had to hold ont my chair for a minute as it was all dissy 2you okay?" Gina asked but i didnt get to respond, it went black!

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