Chapter 6

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I knocked on Miss Birminghmas door and her sweet angelic voice told me to 'come-in' I opened the door and she was sitting as sexy as ever at her desk. Her tight navy jeans on showing me her tonned calves and a top that gripped to her making me drool at the sight,

She gave me a warm smile as i walked upto her desk "t-the homework i forgot to hand in, sorry about that!" i said earasing the dirty thoughts in my head- one being me pinning her to the wall and us having it in her classroom.

"thanks Jo!" she said and took the folder out of my hand as as she doen that our hands touched. We both looked at her as she blushed l;ike a tomato, god she is adorable when she does that!

I cleared my throught as i let go of the homework and she seemed slightly disappointed by my actions, but i wasnt leaving just yet. She lay the homeowork back on her desk and turned to me. I didnt let her say anything before i crashed my lips onto hers,

There was a tingeling sensation as my lips felt her soft clouds,  She pulled my waist and pulling me onto her lap, i wrapped my arms around her neck pulling her closer to me closing any gap between us. I ran my tongue along her bottom lip but she didnt give me entrance,

I groaned and she seemed to smirk knowing my annoyance. I smirked whe i bit her bottom lip and she gasped. I forced my tongue in and took charge of the session we were having.

I was awaken from my dream by Jill waking me up "come on pet time for school!" she said nudging me slightly, i groaned and she laughed lightly "i know, i know but you need to get up!" she said and i groaned louder,

"i'll get Gordan to carry you!" she said and i sat up "im up, im up!" i said and she laughed. Yesterday we were going out for breakfast and Kate tried to get me up but i wouldnt budge so she got Gordon to carry me out of bed, it was far to tickelish for my liking!

I got up and showered like normal. I got my school uniform on and instead of black braces like normal i put my red ones on. I got downstairs and they were all there but Kate. I sat beside Jake and took some toast just as Kate came down the stairs.

"mum im going to prison!" Kate said and we all looked at her "what?" her dad asked shocked and she nodded "im killing all the teachers today so i dont have to go to school!" she said and Jill and Gordon looked relieved,

"dont scare su liek that!" Jill said fanning her face and i laughed lightly while Kate shrugged. "hey is it okay if my friend Ross comes over after school, i blew some plans i need to make it upto him?" i asked Gordon and Jil who nodded,

"sure thing, is he a friend or a friend friend?" Jill asked and both Kate and Jake snorted "no he's a freind, im gay!" i said and they smiled "alright, ask him if he wants to stay for dinner too!" she said and i looked at her,

"you guys dont mind?" i asked and they looked at me shocked "why would we mind?" Goron asked and i shook my hea d"nothing its fine!" i said and htey smiled "text us if he can make it and anything he doesnt like!" Jill said and i nodded,

"thats easy, he is alergic to mushrroms and doesnt go near fruit or vegetables. If you give him them he throws them at you!" is aid and they all laughed lightly "how about macaroni?" she asked and i shook my head "doesnt like melted cheese makes him think rude thoughts!" i said and Jake snorted,

"i get it!" he said and i nodded "steak pie?" she asked and i shook my head "hates gravy!" is aid and she looked at me "seriously he is the most fussy eater there is, if he had a choice all he would eat is chips. I on the other hand would eat chicken nuggets and carrot cake till i die!" i said and they all laughed lightly,

"how about fish and chips?" she asked and i shook my head "he's gay and doesnt touch fish he sasys it reminds him of woman!" i said and she laughed lightly "alright well ask him and text me!" she said and i nodded,

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