Chapter 24

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It was half an hour before all acts were asked to go back on stage. I walked on behind a dog act and infront of a magic act, some acts were pretty bad but some stood out to be good. I stood ruffly to the left as the prestenters talked to the many cameras foccusing on us,

My nerves were sky rocketiong and i was feeling very sef concious right now. The lights dimmed and i knew they were revealing the results. Names were called and me and a dance acxt were left for the deciding vote which made me scared,

We stepped forward standing beside the presenters as he did the enduring silcenc e"Jo Crossman!" he said and it meant i was through to the final. I let out a breath as the audience clapped and cheered,

I went off stage as the dance act cried on the stage while the presenter talks with them.

This shit got real!

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