I'm in love with a killer 1

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I was walking home one night after i stayed a little to late at my friends house but to me it was fine. It was cold so I had my black swat shirt on. I was walking when I passed a play ground. "I don't remember this." I said to my self. "Wait.... Where am I...?" I look around freaking out a little bit but I slowly didn't care anymore. I walked over to the swing set and sat on one them. the moon light was bright it almost looked like day time. All of the sudden I feel warm wet things fall down my cheeks I was crying and smiling all at the same time so I most of looked like a weirdo.

My life was pretty sad. my mom and dad died when i was 8 i live with my grandma and I have no friends I'm always getting picked on. I cut my arms and legs I cut my neck once to see what would happen but I didn't cut deep so I covered it up with makeup. I was looking down at the ground till I heard someone walking somewhere close I just remember thinking (who I up at 12am!? In the middle of the park?!) I look up to see a pale guy walking to me with a big smile on his face I saw blood on his clothes and thought (oh my god is he okay?!) and then I saw the bloody knife in his hand and then I thought (OH MY GOD AM I GOING TO BE OKAY!!!!????!!!) my breathing got fast and my heart felt like it was being stabbed but I know I will be stabbed in a minute so I thought...

"What do you want from me...?" I said with a shaky voice.

He just smiled more and kept walking to me. at the time I new if a ran he would somehow get me and kill me but it would be more fun for him so if I'm going to get killed might as well make it not as fun. so I stood there looking in his eyes... they looked dead inside but in a way not creepy at all.

As he finally reached me he swag his arm up with the knife in his hand and I closed my eyes but felt something warm grab me and I open my eyes in shock to find out he was hugging me my face went from scared to a derp face.

I thought (WTF!? why is he hugging me and why am I not pushing him away and running like hell?!) I stood there with his arms around me my arms just hanged down not moving.

But I smiled and hugged back (he may not be that bad of a person maybe he was just trying to scare me or something.) I really didn't know how long we were just hugging each other but he finally pulled away and I remember looking him straight in the eyes and I saw his smile it was weird I wasn't scared or anything just confused on how he got it like that.

"W-What's your name...?" I stuttered! DX

"Jeff." He said with a big smile on his face.

He cupped my cheek and said "I'll be back here tomorrow waiting for you at this time and place." And with that he walked away.

I just remember my knees giving out and me falling to the ground in shock....

"Was that really.... Jeff the killer......?" I said to myself with shock and shakiness in my voice.


This is my first fanfiction about creepypasta so I hope y'all liked!!! <3 ;p

Vote and comment please!!!! <3


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