I'm in love with a killer 10

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I wake up in the hospital room again but the things that are holding me down a little loose I slide my hand out of them and turn off the heart monitor and all the other stuff where they don't go off, I slowly walk over to my bag and pull out some clothes and put them on I also grab a hat and some glasses. I walk out the room and down the hall to the elevators and go down to the first floor. (that was easier then I thought, but there's still stuff I can't remember..) I walk out the hospital. (I don't know where my house is but I do know where my school is so that may help me out a little.) I walk down a ally way and then out the ally way and see a play ground <FYI it's 8:30pm so it's dark.> there was someone on the swing but there gone now. I walk to the play ground a see a note it said. "You seem to have forgotten everything haven't you? well I guess no one can help that, your probable confused and want to know a lot of stuff if so please meet me at the lake in the woods, I know you know where that is." (that lake in the woods... oh yeah I know! when my dad was alive he used to take me there to fish with him.) I start to walk but everything goes blurry and I start to feel dizzy and weak. (w-what's happening...?) I fall to the ground and look down when I look up I see someone who I've seen before but I can't make out his name. After about 20 seconds I pass out.

When I wake up, I wake up in a house it was warm and nice in there I was laying some what close to the fire place. (where am I?) I look around and sit up. (looks like no one is home.) I get up and everything goes blurry again and I start to see things they looked like dark monsters or something like that all I know is that they were creepy as hell. I fell back down to the ground and the blur went away and so did the monster things. (I guess when I stand up they aper... I don't know...) I tried to stand again but I was really weak, I got up on my feet and held on to the walls where I wouldn't fall the monster things didn't she up and I could see fine so I guess it happens when it wants too. I start to walk to the kitchen well I think it's the kitchen. when I get in there I see a guy who had blond hair and at the tips of his blond hair they were blue all around. "oh your up." he said smiling and getting up from his chair, right when he got up everything went blurry again but this time it was painful I also saw people they looked worried and scared I fell to the ground and the guy rushed over to me he put his hand on my four head and everything went back to normal. "what just happened...?" I say holding my head. "You mean you don't know!?well I guess I have to tell you then. you have a special power that helps you see things no one else can see it is very useful because those things you see, you can also make then real if you wanted. But other people want that power too so you really need to be kept safe from people who can't be trusted and that's why your here, i was chosen to protect you from all the bad guys" he says smiling and helping me on my feet. "But wait I don't remember having this... like ever so how do I have it now!? and why do people want it? Also who are you?" "well you a actually have had this power all your life and the reason why you can't remember is because when the power fully kicks in it makes you forget stuff but you will get it back later it just takes time also people want the power because it can be used to summon powerful monsters that can't be killed and my name is Jayden but you can call me Blue." he says smiling. "But... what if people get this power? isn't there other people out there with the same power?" I say looking at him confused still, he looks down with a sad face. "well if people some how get the power you have they will be unstoppable and... there were other people who had this power but... they died or they lost the power but there are a lot more people who have powers they are just different kinds of powers but for the people who looses the power it's like loosing a part of you.. it's sad..." I he says looking at the ground with his hands clenched.

"you had the power too didn't you...? I say looking at him worried. "yeah but I didn't loose mine I gave it up to save people from dying and those people where your parents." I he looks up at me."and that's why you have that power" "wait how old are you?" "I'm 24 but that power will make you not age I was 16 for a long time and when I have my powers to your parents I started to age again." He then got up and walked to the big window. "but wait I'm 16 now." I say getting up off my chair. "yeah but don't you think it's a little weird that you don't know when your birthday is?" He turned around to look at me. (now that I think about it I don't... the last birthday I remember was my 16th...... Three years ago.....) "no way... so wait I'm still 16 right now....?" I say looking at him in shock. "..yes.."


I finally updated it yay! XD so I hope you guys like I think I'm going to try and finish this one but the ending may suck a lot! xD well I wuv y'all and I hope this one was good! thank chu for reading! ;* *hugs and kisses everyone*

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