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Alright I was 12 when I wrote this. I'm not deleting this, so enjoy the cringe :'D

A full moon glowed throughout the dark night. Everything was silent, until a loud yell broke the silence:

"The prisoner has escaped!" 

The men who guarded the dungeon saw the escapee breaking through his cell door. He sheathed the sword he seemed to be using to escape and bolted down the halls swiftly. All of the guards grabbed their weapons and followed the prisoner. One guard fired an arrow at him, but the prisoner dodged it.

The escapee was racing towards the door.

"Close it!" A guard ordered. He fired an arrow at him.

It struck him in his shoulder. The escapee grunted in pain. He was able to escape just before the doors could close. He raced over a stone bridge that stretched over a vast ocean. It lead into a dark forest. The escapee stopped and pulled the arrow out. Blood welled from his cut, He just smiled and threw it into the water.

Suddenly, the guards all ran out of the dungeon. They ran towards the escapee. He laughed and sprinted into the forest.

"No!" A guard exclaimed, throwing his crossbow to the earth with anger. He grunted and paced back and fourth. He paused and glared at the group of guards behind him, who were waiting for an order. "Follow him!" He ordered.

The group obeyed and ran into the woods. The night was so dark so they couldn't find the escapee.

The escapee was covered in a jet-black coat with a hood that covered his head and face. He was far from the guards. He walked slowly and steadily, not making a sound. He saw a young man leaning on a spruce. He held the lantern up to his face.

The escapee grinned darkly. "Hello, Valdemar. I'm glad you're here."

The man exclaimed, "It's Prince Valdemar!" He clentched his fist,

"Silence, you fool! The guards might hear us!" The escapee whispered. They silenced, hearing the sound of the guards yelling. It sooned faded. The escapee smiled anew. "You're probably wondering why I have brought you here."

"Yes. I am, actually."

"You have a power no one else has. You can help me."

A howl of a wolf echoed through the forest. Valdemar glanced around nervously. He soon heard footsteps approaching him. "Someone is coming!"

"Silence!" The escapee said. He unsheathed his sword and swiftly turned around, only to see another young man wearing a black cloak. He stepped back in fear.

"It's just me," He said. "No one else his here."

"Good." The escapee sheathed his sword. "Thank you for arriving. I thought you would not come."

"Where is my reward?" The man asked.

"Oh, you will recive it soon."

The man glared at the cut on his shoulder and gasped. "Your shoulder! What happened?"

"It's nothing."

Valdemar asked, "Where are we going, anyways?"

The escapee laughed darkly. "To Arendelle. I will soon have my revenge."

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