Chapter 10

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"ELSA!" Anna's scream echoed through the burning palace.

Valdemar glared at the queen. He then looked at Hans and said, "She's-"

"None of our concern," Hans retorted, sheathing his sword.

Kai dropped the sword. Tears welled in his eyes.

Anna ran up to Elsa's still body and hugged her. Her eyes welled up with tears. "Why would you do this?"

Kai didn't reply. He tried to sprint away, but Valdemar ran up to him.

"Where are you going?" He asked, grinning evily at him.

"You're no use to us anymore," Hans said. "So, instead of keeping you, it would be more fun to kill you."

"Wait, what?" Kai was puzzled. "This was not part of our deal!"

Valdemar laughed. "Not anymore! Now, you'll die with her. You'll never be able to escape my flames."

The moment they left the palace, the doors were cloaked in fire.

Kai gasped. "No!" He exclaimed. He glanced around, trying to find another way out. He was trapped.

Anna didn't move. She stood in the castle, tightly holding her sister's lifeless body. Blood was pooling from the massive cut on her back.

"I don't know what to do any more," Anna said to Elsa, crying. "It's over. They won."

Kai walked up to Anna. "I am so sor-"

"Get out of here!" She yelled. "GO!"

Suddenly, the princess heard a loud howl. Lupus emerged out of the flames, covered in burn-marks. He ran up to Anna and tugged on the bottom of her skirt. She picked up Elsa and followed Lupus out of the palace. They made it out safely and sprinted down the ice staircase before it melted. They soon made it onto land and watched the fire consume the palace.

Kristoff ran up to Anna and leaped off of Sven. He saw Elsa. "What happened?"

Anna sobbed, "Kai killed her!"

"How?" Kristoff looked worried. Sven did as well.

"He stabbed her."

Kristoff glared at Kai and scowled. "You did this?"

"I was sorry!" Kai yelled.

Kristoff pulled back a fist and punched Kai right in his face. He fell over on his back.

"Ow!" Kai yelled. His nose began bleeding. "I was forced to do it! Hans wanted to kill me after this!"

Anna sobbed anew. "You're such a fool!"

Kristoff put his hand on the princess's shoulder. "We have to go back to Arendelle before Hans and Valdemar get there. And we need to do something about Kai."

Kai was terrified. Right before he could run away, Kristoff picked him up. "You're not going anywhere!" He yelled.

"Let me go!" Kai exclaimed, thrashing around.

"No," Kristoff said.

They began walking down the mountain.

Anna suddenly tripped over a large stone, dropping Elsa. She tumbled down and jerked to a halt once she slammed into a tree stump.

"Oh no!" Anna yelled. She ran down towards her. Suddenly, Elsa began moving.

The queen moaned and blinked open her eyes. "Anna?" She said weakly.

"You're alive!" Anna yelled. She helped her sister up and hugged her.

Elsa smiled. "What happened?"

Kristoff dropped Kai. "He did it."

Kai glared at Elsa. "I am so sorry. I did not mean to-"

The queen sighed. "I know. We just need to stop Valdemar and Hans."

Anna shook her head. "No. We can't stop him. He has fire powers."

"I know," Elsa said. She glared at Kai and yelled, "I thought you actually cared about me!"

"I do. I was just working for Hans. He said he would pay me with a fabulous reward. I did not know it would have been death!"


"Actually," He said. "My real name is Adrian Landvik. I am from Levrollgran. It is a small country off the coast of-"

"Adrian?" Elsa was puzzled. "Wait, why did you tell me now?"

"I might as well tell you if I am going to be locked away in a dungeon for the rest of my life."

"What? No. Why would you change your name?"

"Because I am Hans' cousin."

Anna gasped. "You are? That explains alot."

"Yeah. He tricked me!" Adrian was furious.

"I know you are inoccent," Elsa said.

"What?" Anna was puzzled. "He tried to kill you!"

"He was fooled by Hans. You were as well. What does he even want from us?" Elsa wondered. "Everyone knows both of them as criminals. If they go back to Arendelle, they will be locked up for good."

"How did Hans even escape solitary confinement?" Kristoff asked. "That seemed impossible!"

"I broke him out," Adrian said, looking down. "The guards actually let me. They thought they could trust me just because I knew the queen."

"Wow," The princess said. "We have really bad guards."

Kristoff leaped back onto Sven. "We have to return to Arendelle," He said.

Elsa  suddenly fell down. "I don't feel so good," She cried. "Please, help me...."

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