29 <date mike>

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"We have to get rid of her," Michael whispered to me.

"Well, we can't just throw her out," I sighed.

"We can," he shrugged. "She's trying to get in your pants. I mean, I get that you two used to date and that she's my mum, but, c'mon. You've already claimed to want me." He chuckled and fluttered his eye lashes at me.

I chuckled and wrapped him in a hug. I kissed his head. "Let's just tell her that we're going out for the night. On a date." I said.

"A date?" Michael looked up at me.

"Yeah." I shrugged.

"Okay," he smiled.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'll give you another chance. Just don't be a complete cheater this time." He chuckled. "But, we can't let her know because she'll probably get really angry and we'll argue more. I'll go get ready and I'll say I'm going to Louis'. Then you leave and say you're going to...," he stopped.

"Where?" I asked.

"The bar down town." He said.

"Why there?" I asked.

"Because you like to drink," He shrugged.

"Okay," I chuckled and kissed his head.

He smiled and walked off into his bed room. I walked into the kitchen. Julie was there trying to cook something.

"Oh, Luke!" She smiled. "I thought I would make dinner for us and we talk things out," she winked.

'Talk'. No. Your meaning of us 'talking' is sex. Nice try, Julie. ;)

"I'm actually, I'm about to leave." I said. I threw on my black leather jacket and grabbed my keys.

"Oh." She said. "Wh-where are you going?" She asked.

"To the bar." I said. "I'm meeting up with a friend."

She only nodded and continued the cook. After that, I decided to get on my phone and stall.

"Hey, um, I'll be over at Louis' tonight." Michal said as he walked into the kitchen. He wore a beautiful dress with white vans and a small sweater. He looks beautiful. :)

"Oh, okay I guess." She sighed.

"Bye, mum." Michael walked out after grabbing his shoulder purse.

After about ten minutes I decided to leave. "I'll see ya later. Bye." I said.

"Yeah." She said and walked off.

I walked out the door and down the hall. I walked into the elevator. There were a few other people there too. I walked out and through the lobby. I went out side and saw Michael waiting by my car.

He smiled. "So, where is this date going to be?" He chuckled and walked over to me.

I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and we started walking down the side walk. "I was thinking maybe we could go get some food, see a movie, go bowling." I shrugged.

"Boring!" He yelled dramatically.

I scoffed with a chuckle. "Then what exactly would you like to do?" I said.

"Well, we should grab some food, and then roam the night!" He said.

"Okay!" I grabbed his hand and held it. "That's what we'll do," I kissed his head.

He smiled up to me.

Step daddy ///: MUKE Where stories live. Discover now