Chapter 16

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Alexander was about to leave his office when his grandmother stepped through his office doors,

"Hey gran" he greeted smiling at the silver haired lady, in her black dress with big pearls hanging from her neck,

"Hi Alexander" she smiled at him, "Did I interrupt?" she asked noticing him putting down his belongings and taking a seat,

"No, I always have time for you. I was just going to breakfast with a friend" he said, giving her a hint. He wasn't trying to rush her but he did notice her and her friend Carrie were a bit too keen on them meeting.

"Oh? A friend? She can wait for a little" she said quickly taking a seat,

"I didn't say it was a female" he retorted and she smiled,

"You didn't? I must be hearing things" she said knowingly smiling and he chuckled, "I just wanted to ask how things are going with the changes"

"Everything is going great so far. What are we going to do about the name?" he asked, he wanted to see if she had any ideas before they went forward,

"Carrie and I came up with 'Imperial Resorts' as the company name and the hotels' current names can remain" she explained and he scribbled it into his book,

"That's good. I like that. We would have to have a general meeting for the executive but I like that" he nodded and she grinned,

"Well, that's all. Your friend can have you now." She stood standing, going towards the door when she pulled it open she looked back at him "Tell Anabella I say hello and enjoy your day" she smiled leaving, and Alexander shook his head. She always knew, there was no hiding from her.

Alexander did as his grandmother said and made his way back home, usually, he would spend the entire day at working pushing papers, but not today. He had someone waiting for him, and he couldn't wait to see her.


Anabella heard a car outside of the house and she bolted over to the window where the white curtains blew wildly in the wind. She looked out to see him pulling into the driveway next to her jeep and she dashed to the door. It was almost as if he was gone for the entire day, she felt so bored without him there. The house was quiet even the sounds of the planes soon blended into the daily noises. She watched her favorite movie 'Sex in the City' as she laid listlessly on the couch. She opened the door and he pulled her into a deep kiss, as she climbed onto his body, the kiss was playful as he ran his fingers through her big afro while supporting her with his other hand as she clung to him,

"I missed you" she whispered and he planted another kiss on her lips,

"I've only been gone 2 hours" he said laughing,

"You said you'd be back in an hour so I have all right" she said getting off of him. He glanced over at the TV and saw the movie playing,

"You had company" he said pointing towards it, she rolled her eyes going back to the couch and he joined her.

They watched the movie with Anabella practically in his lap,

"I was to tell you, your neighbor came over" she said lying on his chest and he frowned away from her gaze,

"My neighbor?" he asked, he didn't interact with any of his neighbors because he was hardly there.

"Yea you neighbor. A sexy girl name Destiny. She was looking for you" she explained and Alexander continued to frown confused. He just dismissed it then his phone buzzed many times from the table beside him. He grabbed it opening the messages from an unknown number.

'You shouldn't keep certain things from yuh woman' read the message followed by many pictures of Alexander and the girl Destiny he met at the party. They were having sex in the back of a car and his face was plain in the pictures. He couldn't say they weren't him, the pictures were so vivid even in the dark car. They were about 20 pictures of them going through the motions of their sexual activity. Alexander clucked his phone completely mortified. His entire body was stiffened as he looked down at Anabella who was engrossed in her movie. He was thinking of how to reply when a few more pictures came through these pictures were of Anabella and Destiny in front of the house with the message,

'Now that I know who she is I should tell her about us'

Alexander's eyes couldn't focus on the phone it soon became a blur as he sat there going through the moment in his head. Everything finally made sense. He started to remember pieces of that night from the pictures. He remembered going down after drinking his beer and then Destiny helped him. It all came back to him but he didn't fear his pictures being sent around he feared Anabella finding out.

He glanced downwards to find her brown eyes focused on him and the fear in her eyes could only reflex how he looked,

"Is everything alright?" she asked and the worry on her voice expressed to him how he wasn't hiding his emotions and he forced a smile,

"I was just thinking about work" he chuckled and she smiled up at him from his lap, she nodded rolling over to face the TV once again,

"I just remembered, your neighbor asked if I was your girlfriend and I didn't know how to answer" she chuckled "I just stammered, I didn't know what to say" she said keeping her eyes on the TV in front of her when she felt his fingers dance along her neck,

"Why wouldn't you know? The answer is obviously yes" he said and she blushed as his hand disappeared into her shirt.

Alexander typed with the other hand,

'What do you want? Money?' he replied to Destiny and she replied with laughing emojis,

'You really think I'm a whore nuh. I int want you money. I want some more dick tho cause it was good' she replied and he frowned clucking the phone,

'I int ever had a white boy before and I liked it. I'll tell you when I want you' she continued and he tossed the phone. Anabella got up going to the bedroom, her ass jiggled lightly under his shirt and he was alone.

What the fuck did I do?

He thought rubbing his temples, he had finally gotten her and now he was about to have his sex life dictated by some random whore. His head pulsed when he heard his phone vibrating once again,

'Meet me tonight I can't wait any longer' he read and he couldn't believe what he was reading 'and don't think I joking I want you tonight or the pictures getting send bout' another message popped up and tossed he phone again. He heard pans hitting and looked up to see Anabella in the kitchen,

"You like French toast?" she asked getting the bread from on top of the fridge,

"If it's as sweet as you are I love it" he replied getting a giggle from her. Anabella started on their French toast as he sat on the couch with his thoughts twirling.

And it begins.

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