Chapter 50

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They all were a bit panicked, Anabella didn't expect him to even get to past the door let alone get in the car and start driving. What could be so important that he had to leave now?

"Look he couldn't have gotten too far yall go on the coast road," Jeremy said to Michael, Lynn, and Destiny, "We'll go on the highway, he's going home so we'll head that way" looking at Anabella who was frozen in fear,

"We'll call if we find him" the first group ran to Michael's car and were about to leave when Jeremy turned to Anabella. His right eye was swollen from the pummeling he received earlier,

"Please stop worrying, we gotta go now," he said to her and she nodded quickly, as they headed to the car.

They left the hotel going in the same direction as the others before they turned off going towards the highway,

"Do you know what it is?" Anabella asked from in the passenger's seat,

"I have no idea" she sighed at his response, she was beyond worried she just got him back she couldn't lose him now. Not when everything was falling into place, not when he was about to tell her everything and they would continue their lives after the speed bump they had. Jeremy was speeding, but she didn't even care she wanted Alexander safe,

"Could you tell me what the plan was? I mean you can tell me now" she asked while searching the license plate numbers as they passed,

"Oh, you're right I could tell you now but wouldn't you want to hea-"

"I cant just sit here in silence as we look for him, please just tell me," she said shakily, the silence was causing her to worry even more and bring thoughts of his death,

"Well, after he left you he called me told me he was talking to Lynn, he said he figured out a way to get rid of Destiny. it would take a few weeks but if he could get her to feel guilty he could get her to tell the truth that he wasn't the father" Jeremy stopped talking for a moment as he went around the roundabout, "So he contacted her, told her you were gone and he would be with her for the sake of the child, she was fine with that and that's how they got together. I didn't think it would work, and I told him to stay away from anywhere you'd be because it would break your heart to see them together" he sighed, and she blinked wildly trying to get rid of her tears, she didn't know he put so much effort for her, she just assumed. "It took longer than we all expected, it was supposed to be a month the most, but he deleted your number to prove to her that he wasn't involved with you, I was getting pissed he was taking so long, then he saw you and that put him and Lynn in overdrive, Lynn and Michael pretended to have a fight about their baby being his and that pushed her to confess he wasn't the father"

"All of you knew?"

"Of course we all knew you really thought Alex loved her?" he asked looking at her, she bit her lip ashamed "Nahhhh come on, I know Alexander, I knew he would've fallen in love with you from the time he met you but he thought that he could act all macho and pretend" Jeremy shook his head, and she chuckled,

"Well I felt the same way from just seeing him" she sighed,

"I'm happy he found someone like you. Reall-"

"There he is!" Anabella exclaimed pointing in front of them, Jeremy saw Alexander's car quickly going down the smooth highway, he looked at his speed,

"He's doing more than 100, hold on" Jeremy lowered his foot on the accelerator going faster trying to catch up with Alexander. Horns were blaring as he dipped in and out of the cars, he almost hit a few times and his inebriated state was the blame. The car drifted in between the two lanes as he drove. He went around the roundabout quickly and they followed, Anabella's heart was pounding just watching his car, they were so close to him.

Jeremy went faster getting right next to him, they looked over at him. Alexander was driving with glassy eyes,

"Alex!" he shouted to him but he didn't hear, the wind blew his words away, "ALEX!" he looked at Jeremy taking his eyes off of the road making the car drift closer to the jersey bars, he swerved quickly almost hitting them,

"Alex! Please stop!" Anabella shouted to him, 

"Noooooo, you deserve ittttt!" he slurred, putting his eyes back on the road driving faster,

"What the fuck he's going too fast" Jeremy uttered as he watched Alexander pull in front of him going towards another roundabout,

"He's approaching it too fast he's not going to make it"Anabella's heart was going as fast as their driving her heart was in her throat, their speed caused the wind to bolt into the car sending chills down her body. Alexander entered the roundabout quickly and she winced closing her eyes. She listened for any sounds of an impact, when she heard none she opened her eyes slowly sighing, only to be stunned by the next few moments. A truck. The truck's brakes screeched as he tried to avoid a collision but it only made it worse. The truck slid uncontrollably smashing into the side of Alexander's car. His car flipped several times before hitting the curb,

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" escaped her lips as she watched saw the dent on the right side where he sat. Jeremy slowed to a stop as she let out an ear piercing scream, it felt it in his soul as she cried hysterically, Jeremy jumped from the car beginning to run down to his car. She tried to get out but she fell to her knees.

"Call the ambulance and stay there!" he shouted back to her as he approached. Jeremy ran as fast as he could only seeing from one eye, he got next to the white truck which hit Alexander the driver was slumped in his sheet rubbing his bleeding head,

"You ok man?" he asked quickly and the man responded with a groan, that was enough of an answer for him, Jeremy ran over to Alexander flipped car, broken glass smeared on the ground as he got closer. He walked on the glass and the crunched beneath his feet,

"Alexander!" he screamed trying to find a way to see if he was alive. The car was on the left side, he looked inside the car from the front he could see blood dripping onto to the road,


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