Chapter 3: Getting Closer

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Connor broke up with his girlfriend at school and she was not happy about it. But he never said anything else he just walked away. He was gay and he didn't mind. All week long they would not say anything to anyone and that weekend Jude was suppose to go over to Connor's house to spend the night.


That night Jude knocked on the door.
"Hey, we are all alone my family is on a trip I had to beg them to let us stay home alone."
"Okay cool, so what do you want to do?" Asked Jude.
"I have an idea." Said Connor. It was almost 11:00 o'clock because Jude had to do something with his mom's before he came over to Connor's house.
Connor brought Jude to his room. Which was a very big room.
"So, what are we going to do in here," asked Jude.
"Come on, you know what I am thinking."
"Your right," said Jude. Jude kissed Connor and Connor kissed him back. He pushed Jude onto the bed and got on top of him. He started kissing Jude's neck which made Jude moan softly.
"Hey, Sorry." Jude said embarrassed.
"Don't be." Connor replied.
Connor started kissing Jude on the lips again.
Jesus had been the one that had brought Jude over and he wasn't gone yet. Jude left his overnight bag in the car so Jesus went inside to look for him.
"Jude," he said. But then he heard moaning sounds. He was so confused. Jude never told his family that he was gay.
"What are they doing," Jesus said to himself. He walked to the door way but hid and was watching them.
At this point Jude was on top of Connor and the had there shirts off. Connor was feeling down Jude's body, and Jude loved it.
Jesus was so disgusted that he just left and he put Jude's bag on the floor by the door on his way out. But he didn't tell anyone what he saw.

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