Chapter 5: Confused

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Jude went to school ready to see Connor. He was going to talk to him about the weekend. Jude liked Connor and he was happy. Every night he would play on the game consol Connor gave him when they had a project a couple months ago. Jude was in love with Connor and he loved the idea of being in love with him.
"Hey, Taylor have you seen Connor?" Jude asked Taylor.
"Yeah he's outside."
Jude walked outside and was looking around and found Connor kissing Daria. Jude was so upset that he started to get teary eyed. Connor noticed and stopped kissing her. Jude's let three tears fall down his face then he ran off. Connor ran after him leaving Daria behind.
When Connor caught up with him he grabbed Jude's arm and pulled him in a secret place.
"What's wrong." Connor asked.
"You, are." Jude replied.
"How," Connor asked.
"Because you make out with me then kiss me and then you go off and kiss Daria. If you want to be with her then okay just don't kiss me anymore." Said Jude.
"No, look she just started kissing me and I couldn't do anything," Connor replied.
"Yes you could you could have not kissed her back and just left." Jude said.
"Look Jude I like you and I want to be with you."
"But, you'd rather be with Daria." Said Jude crying even harder.
"I, I want to be with you." Said Connor.
"No, you don't." Jude said and ran off into a classroom.
Connor just stood there and frowned. He was upset with himself.
"Hey, babe why did you run off did I do something." Daria asked as she found him.
"Yes, and I think we should break up."
"On no no, you're just confused, here let me change your mind," Daria said as she tried to kiss him but he stopped her.
"I don't think you hear me. We are done Daria, so stop trying to kiss me, and don't call me, or text. We are over." Said Connor walking away.


That night Mariana caught Jesus and Lexie making out.
"Ew, you two need to stop." She said.
"Jude, Connor's here," yelled Steff from downstairs.
Connor walked into Jude's room.
"Its not nice to walk in someone's room without permission." Jude said.
"I know, it's just that, I wanted to talk to you." Said Connor.
"Talk, about what." Said Jude madly.
"I broke up with Daria." Said Connor.
"Yo-, you did," said Jude less mad.
"I did," said Connor.
"Why," asked Jude looking away.
"Because, I like you Jude, no Jude I'm in love with you and I can't stop." Said Connor.
"You really mean that." Said Jude looking back at Connor.
"Yes," said Connor, "and I can prove it."
Connor leaned in and kissed Jude and Jude kissed him back. Connor sat on Jude's bed still holding the kiss and wrapped his arms around Jude and Jude did the same.
"Aw, how cute," said Jesus from the door.
They immediately stopped kissing.
"And I just wanted to let you know that the other weekend when you spent the night at Connor's house I saw you two in Connor's room, but I won't tell." Said Jesus.
"Wait you did."Said Jude getting red.
"Yeah, but your secret is safe with me." Said Jesus.
"Why, do I not trust that for some reason," said Connor laughing.
"Hey," said Jesus laughing. But then he left the room.
"And hey, I'm sorry you saw me and Daria today." Said Connor.
"Its fine I'm just glad I'm not confused anymore." Said Jude kissing Connor again.

Later that night Connor went home and Jude went downstairs and sat at the kitchen table with Lena and Steff.
"When, did you know you were gay," he asked.
This caught them off guard.
"Um, probably the night we met," said Steff.
"Yeah, same," said Lena.
"Oh, cause I think I might have known that I liked Connor since the day I painted my nails blue and that day at school Connor did too." Said Jude smiling.
"Wait you're gay, you like Connor. Wow this is something." Said Lena.
"Yeah and he likes me back, because the camping trip he kissed me, and the night at the movies he held my hand. And the night he stayed the night he kissed me on the lips and just now we kissed and I liked it." Said Jude.
"Okay, then you should go to bed and we will talk tomorrow okay, how's that sound." Said Steff.
"Okay, night." Said Jude going to his room.
"Night," his mom's said together.

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