Chapter 7: Daria's Revenge

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Jude woke in the middle of the night thinking about how Connor said Daria is going to really get revenge on him. And he was actually scared he didn't know what he was going to do.

That morning at school Jude found Connor.
"Did you here from Daria yet." Said Jude.
"No, but she's coming over here right now." Connor said as he turned Jude around.
"What should I do," asked Jude.
"Just pay it cool,"said Connor.
"Okay," Jude replied.
"Hello boys,"said Daria as she stopped in front of Jude and Connor.
"Look, Daria is it even the right thing to do. You shouldn't do anything to Jude." Said Connor.
"I will do as I please."
She walked away leaving them two petrified. All day Jude was scared. In the hallway before lunch he saw Daria laughing and eyeing him so that made him even more scared. Jude would look back every time he made a step forward. At lunch he would always look at Daria when he was talking to Connor. But Connor understood. Daria just laughed at them.

After lunch Jude was walking with Taylor to his next class when Daria came up behind him and yelled, "BOO!" And Jude screamed so loud that a teachers came out of their classrooms and everyone looked at Jude. He was so embarrassed.

When he finally saw Connor again which was after school Connor kissed him on the cheek.
"Hey, I found out that Daria was just saying all that stuff Jude to get you scared and that was all she was going to do. I over heard her telling some girls in the hallway." Said Connor.
"Really," said Jude.
"Yeah," said Connor.
"So that was what she was doing for her revenge?" Jude asked.
"Yeah," said Connor.
What do you think guys so far. Is my book good do you have any suggestions for me. If so comment them and I will use them. And I know the chapters are short sometimes I will make more that are longer. Keep reading thanks. I'll update soon. Promise.

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