Chapter 6: I Love You

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At school the next day Connor came up to Jude and Taylor and kissed Jude on the cheek. Which made Jude blush.
"Wait, what just happened?" Taylor asked.
"You didn't tell her yet," asked Connor.
"No, you didn't what's going on," asked Taylor.
"Me and Connor are dating now." Said Jude.
"What, how did this happen, what happened at your house last night." Taylor asked.
"We've been dating for a little while. I broke up with Daria last week and yesterday she still thought we were together so she kissed me and pore Jude saw. So last night I went to talk to him and it ended up that we kissed and now we are publicly together." Said Connor.
"Okay then I'm gonna go to class now." She said as she walked off.
"Well then I guess it's just you and me." Said Connor.
"Yep," replied Jude. Connor kissed Jude on the lips and then someone yelled,
"Connor, you broke up, with me so that you can be with Jude. This is a nightmare. You have to be so stupid Connor. You are not gay, you are straight. You love me remember." It was Daria.
"What no I don't and how do you know if I'm gay or not because I am and I like Jude and he likes me back so deal with it Daria." Said Connor.
"Yeah, I do like Connor." Said Jude.
"You stay out of it Jude." Said Daria.
"Hey, leave him alone Daria." Said Connor.
"Fine whatever Connor, I HATE YOU! And Jude I will get my revenge on you." She said as she walked away. Everyone was staring at them.
"Thanks," said Jude
"Your, welcome," said Connor. Everyone was still watching them and pointing at them.
They just walked away and went inside the building and into their first class.

That afternoon Connor went to Jude's house.
"Hey, Connor." Said Jude.
"Hey, let's go into your room." Said Connor, "I've gotta tell you something."
"Might not be the best idea. Jesus is in there with Lexie. I don't want to see something I don't want to." Jude said.
"Yeah, okay, let's just go outside." Said Connor.
"Okay," Jude said as the walked outside.
"So, what's up," said Jude.
"I wanted to tell you that I overheard Daria is planning something big to do to you so be careful." Connor said.
"Okay, I will, and you know your the best." Jude said.
"Aw, thanks." Said Connor, "And I would do anything for you, your my boyfriend."
"Wait, I am," asked Jude confused.
"Well I would hope so," said Connor.
"Um, okay then, boyfriend," said Jude smiling and Connor was laughing.
"Jude I love you, I really do," said Connor slowly looking Jude in the eyes.
"I, too," Jude said between breathes.
They looked at each other and stared and then they just kissed standing right where they were. And Steff and Lena came outside to get them and they saw Jude and Connor kissing so they didn't say anything. They just waited for them to finish to tell them to go inside to eat dinner.

That night a the table they were all talking about different things until someone got on the subject about the two of them.
"Look, if you two are dating now then we need to set some boundaries," said Lena.
"Okay, what boundaries?" Asked Jude.
"No, having sex," said Steff.
"At, least not without protection," said Lena.
"Okay, and moms I am 14 years old. I think I know what I  can and can't do." Said Jude.
"Yeah, and I wouldn't do anything that serious until I am a week in this relationship." Said Connor laughing.
"What," said Steff.
"Kidding." Said Connor, "and thanks for dinner, it was really good."
"Okay, I can walk you out if you'd like," said Lena.
"Mom I can," said Jude. They got up and Jude walked Connor outside.
"So they really think we're going to have sex." Said Connor.
"I know right." Said Jude.
"Why, would we, I'm mean unless you would ever want to." Said Connor.
"If you wanted to," said Jude.
"Okay," said Connor.
"Okay," said Jude.
Then Connor walked away toward his house and Jude went back inside.
"I love Connor," said Jude not realizing he said it aloud.
His family giggled to themselves.
"Oh, I didn't mean to say that aloud," said Jude blushing and he ran to his bedroom. And Connor was thinking the same thing.

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