Chapter 2: The dating

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Hey sorry the other part was really short I'm knew at this.

The next day Connor and Jude had a very awkward feeling about each other but they were both comfortable about it.
"Hey, so about last night, look I'm sorry." Said Connor.
"Why," replied Jude.
"What," Connor said.
"Why, are you sorry," asked Jude.
"Because I kissed you," said Connor.
"Well, don't be." Said Jude.
"Okay," said Connor. They just stared at each other. Jude started to blush. Connor noticed this so he looked down at his feet.
"What do we do now," asked Jude finally breaking the silence.
"I think I have an idea," said Connor, leaning in and pressing his soft lips to Jude's warm lips. Jude held him there sitting on his bed. He kept kissing him and they would never stop. He was gay, and Jude liked it. Connor certainly liked it as well. When they finally released they just stared at each other smiling. Then they went downstairs to get breakfast. Jude's mom's were cooking. After they ate they went outside and they were playing soccer.
"It's just like yesterday we played soccer, but then we wrestled and then you got a text, then you kissed me that night, and now this." Said Jude.
"Yeah, what do you mean by "this," Connor said.
"I mean the two of us together. We work so well, and I love that." Said Jude
"We kissed twice and that was it." Connor replied.
"Well maybe, we can change that?" Jude said walking closer to Connor and putting his hands on Connor's waist and pulling him towards him. Jude pulled Connor into a kiss and Connor never pulled away. They stood there for about four or five minutes kissing. Jude's mom's were coming outside so they quickly pulled away before they saw anything. One they left Connor said, "So I guess we are dating now."
"As I see it, yes." Replied Jude.

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