Chapter 9: A Bad Ending

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The next day Connor went to Jude's house and his dad was in the car. Connor went into Jude's room and Jude was already awake.
"Jude I need to talk to you." Connor said.
"What's up." Jude replied.
"I'm leaving," Connor said.
"What," Jude said.
"My, dad is making me leave. And I think it is for the best." He continued.
"Why," Jude asked.
"Because you ruined my life, I was straight, I had an amazing girlfriend."
"I don't love you. You ruined my life."
"You, kissed me remember, you held my hand and you started making out with me first." Jude said starting to cry.
"Yeah, that was all a mistake. We need to break up, and I'm leaving and I don't want to see you anymore."
"Wait, why are you saying this." Said Jude.
"Don't you get it I have to." Said Connor, "Just one last time." Connor kisses Jude on the lips while Jude was crying.
"Thats the last one," said Connor and he started to leave.
"CONNOR......CONNOR," Jude yelled. Connor kept walking and Jude said, "Connor."
He was left, crying on his bed with is arms wrapped around his legs. Jude thought of the most wonderful times.

*Jude had painted his nails blue, he remembered Connor did the same. In the tent Connor kissed him and at the movies Connor held Jude's hand. The day when Connor spent the night they were playing baseball and they started wrestling and Connor ended up on top of Jude. That night Connor came back and they got in an argument. Jude kicked Connor and then Connor kissed him on the lips. The day when Connor asked him if he even liked him a and Jude said, "of course I like you." And when the prom came they went together. JUDE LOVED CONNOR.*

Jude looked out the window at Connor which he was crying, too. He watched as he got into the car and then they drove away. Jude loved Connor and he could never love anyone as much as he loved Connor better yet more. Or will he?!?!...


Did you like the story, because I did but don't worry I will write another book it's the sequel and it is going to be called, "Joah," Just look for it and one day I will write it. So what did you think about the book please comment and vote. Thanks bye!!

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