Chika With Author

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HAHAHAHA LOL~! If you reach this part congratulations! You just finish my rubbish story na sinulat ko when I was a Grade 8 student (imagine ang tagal na!) I should stop calling it rubbish coz the 13 year old me worked hard for it XD HAHAHAHA. BUT AHEM ETO NA TALAGA!

This is just the beginning of Our favorite Lady's story meaaaaaning~

My book two pa ito. I swear ang tagal ng nakaimbak yung notebooks na pinagsulatan ko nito since Grade 8 pa ako kaya pinipilit kong mag-sipag mag-sulat dito. Sinubukan kong i.edit but still fail? Hahaha.

And I promise the book two is much better than this rubbish book one (kakasabi ko lang na di ko na ito tatawaging rubbish hahaha)

May mga typos at wrong grammars na ieedit ko na lang kapag sinipag na at hindi na tambak ang school works hahaha!

Thankyou for reading my work and please look forward to the much better book two.  Show some support by voting the chapters.
I love you guys ♡

With love,


While the part 2 is still not up, pwede niyong basahin yun on going kong story na Strangeless Academy.

Snow White And Her Seven ButlersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon