Night Drives

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CHAPTER 2  Night Drives

The first two hours of the drive had been incredibly awkward. Dean hadn’t wanted to talk and Oliver had no idea what to say. They pulled over into a truck stop, Oliver got out to stretch his legs, his mind was already numb from the two hours of the featureless drive. How did Dean and Sam drive all over the country and not go stark raving mad? He and Dean went inside, Dean paid for gas, Oliver used the restroom and wanted to get something to eat. He remembered he didn’t have his wallet seeing as how when he was out being a vigilante he didn’t think it would be wise to have ID on him.

“Hey Dean, my wallet is where everything else I own is. Can I borrow some cash until I get it? I need some water and food.” Oliver asked a bit sheepishly. Dean’s face split into a huge grin.

“Well that’s the last thing I ever expected to happen to me. A billionaire asking me for some spare change. Let me savor this," Dean paused. “Yeah sure, I’ll hook you up. I’ll add interest to it starting day after tomorrow if I don’t get it back.” He winked at Oliver and walked up to the register to pay for the stuff Oliver had grabbed and a coffee and snacks for himself.

Oliver wondered how Sam had tolerated Dean for more than a week. The next two days were going to try his patience, he could already tell. They got back to the car, got in and Dean pulled out. They drove a few more miles then Dean started to talk.

“How was he?” Dean asked.


“Sam, when you found him.” Dean was trying to act nonchalant about it but his tone betrayed him.

“Do you really want to know?” Oliver said.

“Yeah. I think I need to."

“Alright. Remember the  credit cards I gave you and Sam after the warehouse full of demons?” Oliver asked.


“Well Felicity had set up some sort of computer alert to let her know if your spending habits had changed. She figured you’d never call if you needed help but the cards might let her know if something was up.

“That’s quite a woman you have working for you Oliver."

“She doesn’t work for me, she works with me,” Oliver clarified.

Dean glanced at him and nodded, “I stand corrected. Go on."

“About a month after you died she got the alert showing that you guys hadn’t moved in a  month which was odd. Also there was a lot of money being spent at a liquor store. She called the hotel pretending to be a concerned family member. The desk person told her Sam was there but you were nowhere to be seen.  I was on a business trip at the time with Diggle but we diverted to where she told us Sam was after we were done instead of going straight home." Oliver paused and took a breath. He still remembered how haunted and broken Sam had looked that first night. He hoped he could convey that to Dean.

“I drove to the motel the cards were being used at, Diggle stayed back at our hotel. I pulled up, the Impala was parked in front of the room, dented, a window was broken out and it was covered in dust.” He saw Dean’s hands tighten on the steering wheel. “The door to the room was unlocked so I opened it up a bit. Sam was laying on one of the beds completely passed out, filthy and down about 20 lbs in weight. On the other bed he had laid out that necklace he gave you, the keys to the Impala, a shotgun , an unopened beer can and the Colt in a sort of memorial to you. The room was disgusting, he hadn’t cleaned it in weeks. As I watched he started having a nightmare. He was screaming your name and repeating over and over for them to take him instead of you. I woke him up, got him moving and took him back to the room Dig and I had rented. His mind was shattered. He couldn’t process anything. He had been drinking steady for a month and had taken out a lot of his pain on this car. He and Diggle got the dents out though. Dig and I sat with him the rest of that night, we watched over him. He must have vomited at least 15 times, some of those times we had to carry him to the bathroom. I have never seen someone have so many nightmares in one night.  By the time he sobered up a bit the next morning he had screamed himself hoarse. The nightmares weren’t just about you, he mentioned Jessica a lot along with various things you guys have fought. I can tell you every time the nightmare was about you tears came out of his eyes." As he had been talking Dean’s face had grown more and more rigid. He couldn’t tell if Dean was angry, upset or what, Dean’s knuckles were ghost white on the steering wheel from the force of his grip.

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