Angelic Awakenings Part 2

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“You gave too much, I told you.” Castiel started

“My choice. Deal with it,” Ramiel cut him off. “You need it more than I. Now sit down before you fall down, the knowledge should hit soon."

“I am fi….” Castiel stopped mid sentence, grabbed his head and fell to the floor.

“He will be fine soon. He has an eternity of misinformation to reconcile. Now same question for you Dean. Do you want to bear the weight that the knowledge I give you will place on you?”

“Ramiel, grab that bottle of Scotch and start talking. If Cas can handle it I can," Dean stated, a hint of defiance in his voice.

Ramiel looked from Dean back to Castiel then back to Dean. “Lucifer has no idea what’s coming. Good. The Morningstar has been in need of a lesson in humility for a very long time. I'm glad I can have a small part in it.” He walked back to the bar, grabbed the Scotch and four glasses. “You may as well have one too Oliver who is Dean’s friend. You may not be as involved in this as they are but the knowledge will still be a weight for you to bear."

“That’s why I work out so much, to bear all this weight that the world keeps giving to me,” Oliver replied. “Besides, I tend to have a strong dislike for arrogant bastards who like to manipulate others. Speaking as a former arrogant bastard I feel I have the right to pass judgement."

Castiel struggled back into his chair, grabbed the shot of Scotch and the four of them touched their glasses together and drained their shots.

“Got it all sorted out Castiel?” Ramiel asked.

“No, but talk. I can think while you talk. Pour me another please."

Ramiel poured another shot for both himself and Castiel, they drank and he set his glass down. “First off. Forget everything you know. It’s probably wrong. I’ll sum this up as much as possible and hold your questions till the end if you can. In the beginning there was God and us, the seven of us. We created everything as a group. We all had a hand in everything, it was pretty harmonious back then. God had gotten bored with animals and plants and wanted to try his hand at something more challenging, something that could create, build and help run the place when we left. We never planned to stay here. We were going to create earth and move on to other things. So he and Lucifer started working on what would become you, humans. Some of the early prototypes were disastrous. They finally got all the bugs worked out and created Lilith. She was stunning, since Lucifer was a part it she was a redhead, he always had to work that whole “Morningstar” thing into everything he did.” Ramiel rolled his eyes. “She had hair like a brilliant sunset “ he always said. She was smart, beautiful, intense, and independent. God overindulged Lucifer on the whole free will thing, he indulged Lucifer a lot. After he created her, he made Adam who was modeled off Michael, obedient and loyal. Lilith and Adam weren’t really, forgive the pun, a match made in Heaven. Some time had passed since her creation and she didn’t see why she needed Adam around. Her and Lucifer had become a “thing”. Back then intermingling angels and humans was a lot less complicated. Lilith and Adam and eventually Eve could see our true forms and what they could see they could touch. I’ll leave the rest to your imaginations."

“Poor Adam never really stood a chance. What girl would choose a human over the most beautiful, powerful and intelligent angel on the planet? The more Lucifer became attached to Lilith the less and less he wanted to leave. God and he fought a lot about it. God saw humans as toys, sorry, but it’s true. You were an experiment he tried, it worked he wanted to move on. He commanded Lucifer to send Lilith back to Adam and be done with it. Lucifer said no. So in an effort to compromise God made Eve to give to Adam since humans still needed to breed so they could run the place. He told Lucifer that he could keep Lilith if he left Adam and Eve alone. Adam and Eve had worship of God built in, the whole obedience thing. They weren’t the brightest of things intelligence wise God wanted something that would always be loyal to him. He had a bit of an ego since of all of us he is the only one that can grant llfe.”

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