Paradise Sacrificed Part 2

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As soon as his arms came free Sam's head had snapped back up, his arms reached out and around something. It looked like he was getting ready to twist something with all the strength he had left. Oliver and Dean immediately recognized the hand position. Sam was getting ready to break someone's neck.

"Sorry Dean, I am but no more pain for any of us, anymore."  His arms wrenched with sudden speed, every muscle taut from the amount of power he was using.

Lucifer's eyes widened in shock. 'How di...?" He stopped as his  hands flew to the sides of his head and he doubled over in pain, gasping for air.

"Now?" Oliver asked, his voice tense.

"No, not yet." Castiel said,  his eyes on Sam.

Sam had relaxed his arms and reached one hand down. It looked like he was picking up something off of a table. Castiel realized that it had to be a knife, that was the only thing a person held that way. He raised his hand to his own throat.

"Lucifer!!" Sam's voice rang with anger, resolve and unyielding determination. "I will never join you. I would rather die first. No more pain, no more fear. Dean and I are free of all of this!" As he spoke the last word his hand sliced across his throat.

Lucifer screamed in pain and Sam dropped to the ground.

"NOW!" Castiel shouted. He threw a hand up and using the power that Ramiel had given him focused his entire will  on trapping Lucifer. He felt his energy encompass Lucifer, he lifted him up into the air and held him there. He watched as Oliver drilled all three arrows through Lucifer's body, two in the heart and one in the eye, Dean fired all six shots off, hitting 5 to the chest and one to the  forehead. Lucifer  stopped screaming, his body went limp. Still Castiel held him. \

Lucifer's eyes flew open, white light streamed out from where his eyes had been. "How have you done this?" He raged as light started streaming out of his body.

"Your brother Ramiel sends his regards. He wished you to know that this was how he repaid you for your selfishness and deceit. You owe us much Lucifer, consider this the first of many payments I will be extracting from you. " Castiel closed his hand into a fist, more and more light was streaming out of Lucifer's vessel. "Avert your eyes." Oliver and Dean closed their eyes and looked away.

Castiel started chanting in a rolling voice that filled the whole barn, shaking it to it's very foundations. Lucifer's screams had reached such an intense pitch that Oliver and Dean had to cover their ears and hope that Sam would still be able to hear when it was all done. Castiel spoke the last word of the spell and watched as Lucifer writhed in pain.

"Be gone, Lucifer," he said and opened his hand back up, palm out. A shaft of blue light streamed out of his hand and collided with Lucifer. There was a clap of thunder and Lucifer disappeared. Castiel swayed, suddenly weakened. He had used a large amount of what Ramiel had gifted him with to restrain Lucifer and complete the spell. Castiel hadn't banished Lucifer back to hell, there was only two beings that could  do that but the combination of the power and spells  laid on the bullets and the arrows along with Sam killing both himself and Dean had weakened Lucifer enough that Castiel could send him to where angels go when they travel in while they were in a vessel. It wasn't heaven, it was an in between state, or dimension as Oliver had called it.. With the bullets and the arrows still in him Lucifer would not be able to recover enough power for awhile to return.

"Sam!!" Castiel heard Dean scream.

"Dean, don't!" Castiel shouted. "The bindings are still in effect. We have to destroy that circle."

'"It's etched into the ground! How can we do that?"

"Like this." Oliver stated. He shot an arrow into the ground directly in front of outermost circle, a light on the arrow started blinking. "Dean! Move!"

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