Angelic Awakenings

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Chapter 5 Angelic Awakenings

Ramiel made it back to the table with a bottle and a shot glass and poured a shot for Dean. "I'm going to finish up making your food. How do you want your steak Dean?" He asked.


"Any special requests for the omelette, friend of Dean?"

"Extra ham and go easy on the onions," Oliver replied.

"Should I leave the bottle?" Ramiel asked. Dean had already downed the shot he had poured.

"Fill it up one more time. I probably shouldn't drink a whole bottle before breakfast." Dean's face had regained some of it's normal color and his hands were steadier.

"All right." Ramiel filled up the glass and left the table with bottle in hand.

Oliver looked at Dean, there were so many expressions and emotions on Dean's face that he couldn't even start to label them. Oliver looked at his shirt which was covered in coffee. He had slid his chair back in time to save his pants but he had been leaning forward when Dean slammed his cup down so his shirt had taken the brunt of it. Fortunately, he had enough scars on his chest that he hadn't felt the heat from the coffee too much.

"Sorry Oliver, " Dean muttered.

"Perfectly fine. I'm going to go grab a clean shirt and try to wash some of this off in the bathroom. You ok?" Dean just nodded back. Oliver grabbed the keys and headed out to the car. He had absolutely no idea how Dean was going to handle all this and was very concerned that Dean was close to losing it. Oliver wouldn't blame him if he did. He popped open the door of the Impala,  reached into the back seat and grabbed a spare shirt. As he started to change shirts he heard the sound of wings and looked around. Castiel was standing a few feet away, not looking any less upset but his tie was off and slung over his shoulder. As he stood there the wind picked up and started swirling around the angel, leaves and dirt started to move in a clockwise pattern around Castiel in response to the wind. Oliver figured that was not a good sign.


"He has hid, all these eons. Just hid. Angels have slaughtered humans and demons, angels have been slaughtered and he just watched. It's unforgivable." Castiel's voice reverberated off the walls of the restaurant, the windows on the Impala shook, Oliver felt it in his bones. His voice  wasn't loud, it contained a force that was shaking the very foundations of the world around it. "He must answer for this."  Castiel started taking off his coat. Oliver had to do something. Castiel's coat hit the ground, Oliver had run out of time. The door to the restaurant opened, Dean walked out.

"Cas, don't. I know you need to. I know you want to but you'll lose and you know it. What would that solve? "

"Dean Winchester, stand aside," Castiel commanded.

"No." Dean let the door shut behind him and he squared off to face Castiel. "Cas, you don't need me to stand aside. You can go through me or around me. You know it and so do I. This isn't worth it."

"You are not one to speak of worth. How many times has your family battled adversaries much more powerful and lost because you were fighting for family? For love? You cannot begin to understand how much family I have lost. You will not lecture me now or ever again on the perceived worth of my choices. I will confront him."

"Fine," Dean replied. "I won't lecture you but I am not moving, You of all people know I have a lot of experience telling angels no. Do what you want. I know how you feel about hurting humans. You two fighting would probably destroy this building. Well here's me standing in front of it. Your move."  Dean leaned against the door and casually folded his arms, the iconic picture of defiance.

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