Diners, Drive Ins and Decisions Part 2

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After Dean came out from his morning ritual and Oliver went and attended to his they checked out of the room and hit the road. Castiel directed them to the diner, they pulled into the parking lot and noticed the name of the diner painted on the window, “Paradise Lost.”

“Really? Are we serious right now?" Dean asked.

“Maybe the owner just really likes the book,” Oliver said.

Dean looked him. “Uh huh. Yeah let’s go with that. If Lucifer is behind the counter and offers to make me a steak and egg breakfast I’m just going to give up. I really will, it will be worse than dealing with that stupid trickster."  Dean looked back at Castiel.

“I didn’t see the sign I swear.“ Castiel’s tone was mild. Dean just shook his head and got out of the car, the other two followed him. They opened the door, a bell rang to alert the staff and a middle aged man who looked to be in fairly good shape leaned out the window that lead into the kitchen.

“Seat yourselves gentlemen. Be right with you.”  He gave them all a warm smile, he had on a fairly clean apron, a black t-shirt and jeans. His short, crew cut hair was salt and pepper gray, his eyes green and friendly. He was about 5’7 but somewhat muscled as if he got most of his exercise at his job, not in the gym. “Coffee’s fresh ground in those carafes over there and it’s on the house.  Name’s Rem, welcome to my humble abode.”

Dean smiled back “Thanks for the warm welcome and the free coffee. It smells amazing in here!"

“Thanks. Been sauteing up some vegetables for this afternoon’s stew,” Rem replied. Dean and Oliver walked over to the coffee carafes and helped themselves. Castiel went to the back corner table, left the outer seat against the wall for Dean and sat in the chair nearest the window facing the door. Oliver looked at Castiel and felt his muscles tighten a bit, like anyone who’s dealt with being attacked he hated having his back to the door. He wasn’t going to fight Dean for the remaining chair that faced the door. He’d take the chair by the window opposite of Castiel, he had spotted a mirror that would allow him to watch the door while he ate. Then he looked at Castiel again, the angel seemed off, almost tense. Oliver tapped Dean’s arm, caught Dean’s eye and motioned for him to look at Castiel. Dean looked at Castiel, his eyes narrowed and his jaw tightened. He nodded at Oliver and they walked to towards the table.

“Can’t imagine you get enough business through here to sell a lot of stew,” Dean said in a normal tone of voice.

“Well the leftovers are delicious so if no one eats them I don’t mind.”

“Can’t say I would blame you. What’s the special for breakfast?” Dean asked.

“Steak and eggs or Denver omelette made anyway you like it.”

Oliver twitched as he sat down. Dean had mentioned steak and eggs outside and he had just been thinking about getting an omelette.

Oliver looked at Castiel and Dean. “Must be our lucky day then. My friend here was just talking about steak and eggs for breakfast and I was craving Denver omelettes.” He nodded at the other two as he spoke, letting them know he was clueing them into something. Oliver felt Dean’s hand under the table touch his leg, then he felt the hilt of a knife. He reached down and grabbed the knife he had used earlier and placed it between his hip and the wall on the chair. Dean pulled the Colt out of his waistband and held it under the table.

“Ha! Guess I heard you all thinking,” Rem remarked from the kitchen. “ If that’s what you guys want I’ll get right on it. What about you in the trenchcoat?”

“I’m fine, thank you,” Castiel replied. He lowered his voice. “Not a demon but I feel something. I almost recognize this Rem."

“Of course you do brother,” Rem stated. He had walked out from the kitchen. The three men looked at him, he put his hand on the wall and smiled.

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