All the Angles

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Chapter 3 All the Angles

Castiel didn’t go far, he just became invisible to Dean. Oliver had gotten through enough to Dean that he had been willing to open up and listen to what Castiel needed to tell him. He knew that Dean did not like to think too deeply about his family or his emotions and Castiel wasn’t quite sure how he would handle this new viewpoint. He watched as Dean slid to the ground, his body shaking with emotions; rage, loss, desperation, understanding and guilt warred across his face. Castiel heard Dean’s final thought “The demon hunters. We’re all hypocrites, every one of us.” and shook his head. Human emotions often misled people, made them reach out for the worst possible solution and the Winchesters had been put in so many heart wrenching situations that Castiel was surprised any of them had stayed sane. Lucifer had much to answer for. Dean sat there for several more minutes then slowly got to his feet and started walking back the way towards the street.

Castiel watched until Dean made it back to the street, he was walking slowly. Castiel could tell his emotions were fluctuating wildly but that Dean was trying to get things back under control. The angel estimated it would take Dean about ten minutes to make it back to the room at that pace. He had to decide what to do with Oliver, Felicity Smoak hadn’t been wrong, Oliver was needed back in Starling City and Castiel felt that he had to rectify that situation. Castiel decided to get back to the hotel before Dean. He thought about the hotel room in preparation for appearing next to Oliver’s bed but at the last second decided to teleport to outside the door. Oliver wasn’t as used to angels appearing out of nowhere, Castiel didn’t want to upset him.

Castiel opened the door and waited a minute before he walked in. Oliver seemed to be in the grip of a nightmare. His emotions of fear and confusion were flowing through the room. The angel saw images of Oliver being sliced and stabbed, of the shipwreck and the freighter.  He had seen the mental scars from his captivity when he had peered into the depths of Oliver’s soul but had glossed over the details. Castiel closed his eyes and blocked out Oliver’s thoughts. Humans caused so much destruction but at the same time they were capable of such love and compassion. As he had felt his own emotions battle for supremacy within him Castiel had gained more and more respect for his father’s creations. They were indeed flawed but the flaws were wondrous and beautiful in their own way.  Oliver snapped awake and lunged upright in bed. As he spun to face the door his arm cocked back ready to throw the flechette he had in his hand.

“Oliver, it’s Castiel,” he said as he walked in. He shut the door behind him. “I apologize if I woke you.” Oliver struggled to slow his breathing.

“Castiel.” Oliver let his arm slowly come back to his side. “Sorry about that.” He put the weapon back under the pillow.

“It is understandable. You were reliving some horrible things in your mind. I decided it was safer to open the door than just appear in the room. You couldn’t hurt me but I knew you would be upset if you attacked me in error.”

“True, I don’t like hurting people or angels that don’t deserve it. How’s Dean?”  Oliver asked.

“He’s had some revelations. Your conversation allowed me to tell him some things he needed to hear. Thank you for your assistance. You are indeed needed back in Starling City and I do apologize for taking you away from there. If you would like I can take you back there now.”

“Castiel, you said something earlier that struck me as odd. Well comparatively odd at any rate,” Oliver said.

“What was that?”

“You said Sam and Dean have to accept Lucifer and Michael correct?”

“Yes, that is what is required for the Apocalypse to occur,"  Castiel confirmed.

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