Reconnections and Revelations Part 2

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He put his hands up. “Stop, don’t stab." He had a rather superior look on his face and a bit of an accent.  “I’m Crowley. Dean knows me. The bones are behind the copy of “The Scream” painting. Oddly appropriate. Those others won’t be back for awhile. You’re welcome." Then he vanished. Oliver was really getting sick of people vanishing into thin air.

“Thank you, you SOB.” Dean growled at the now empty space where Crowley had been standing. He walked over to the framed print of “The Scream” pulled it off the wall and started tapping the wall looking for a hollow spot. Once he found it he looked took the Colt by the barrel and slammed the butt of it into the wall. The wall cracked and splintered and Dean created a decent sized hole in the wall. He reached into the hole and pulled out a bag, opened it, grimaced and closed it back up. “Yeah this is what we needed.” He tucked the bag into his jacket and started walking out the front door.

“All right Oliver, let’s see if we can get you home. Sorry for all of this.” Dean apologized as Oliver caught up with him.

“Here’s your knife back."

 Dean started walking up the gravel driveway, “Thanks I’ll probably need that later. C’mon, the Impala isn’t too far from here."

Oliver pulled his phone out and saw he had minimal reception. “Dean. Where are we? I should probably text Felicity and let her know I’m ok since she tracks me. She’s probably in full blown panic right about now."

“We’re about 50  miles outside of Billings, Montana. I am heading to Wyoming but I can drop you off at Billings if you want to catch a flight."

Oliver stopped, “Dean, look at me."

“Oh," It finally dawned on him that Oliver was in his vigilante attire. “Don’t suppose you have a series of books being written about your life and people go to conventions dressed like you dress and acting like you act? If so you can just say you’re going to one of those."

“Not that I am aware of. Who’d want to dress like me anyway?"

“You’re lucky. Trust me. It’s creepy. Well you’d probably fit some of my spare clothes. We’re about the same size. You can just mail them back to me when you get home."

A voice came from behind Oliver, “Dean." 

Oliver spun around and had an arrow nocked before he realized it was Castiel. This was going to give him a heart attack if it kept up.

“What Cas?" Dean's voice was nonchalant as if this happened all the time.

A touch of concern flitted across Cas's face, "I found Sam. I cannot get him though." 

Dean swore under his breath, “Why?” 

“Lucifer has him,"

“What do you mean has him? Sam said yes?”

“No." Cas replied quickly, "Sorry I’ll rephrase. He has him in a trap. He’s showing him realities without you in them. He’s trying to break the bond between the two of you. Lucifer knows the only reason Sam hasn’t said yes is because of his love for you. If he can break that or make Sam give up hope he knows Sam will accept him.” Oliver noticed that Cas's voice was oddly emotionless.

“Fuck! Where is he?"  

“Ohio. I can’t take both of you. I’m losing too much power. I need to have some to help you with Lucifer,"  Castiel replied

“Oliver isn’t part of this," Dean pointed out, "Take me."  He sounded as if he was ordering Castiel. Oliver saw something cross the angel’s face. Some hint of expression.

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