Okay. So you have come here for a reason. You want to make that cash. You want to be able to go onto the internet and to buy a million things at once and feel so good after you have made your purchase! Well I have got you.
So, for many years now I have been relying on my parents money. Every time I go out I will be handed a £20 note which I will slowly place into my back pocket fueled with guilt. I will then go off after that and spend a bunch of money that technically isn't mine, I haven't earnt it and I generally feel pretty bad taking someone else's money.
If you are anything like me you would want to be able to make your own money. Daily. You can't be bothered to find a job because your bed is way comfier and you'd rather stay there and make money online.
Okay so I tried to whole buying and selling thing on Ebay. Basically, I found a whole bundle of records in the garage and I sold them. I think I did about 70 records for £50. (I ripped people off I know.) But for some reason people are willing to pay the max price for these ripped up Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston and Prince Vinyl's. I couldn't be bothered to post them so I said buyer's collect which people happily did. I got up to seven bids on a stack of records and then the Ebay attack started to happen. Bid after bid showed up on my screen and the only thing I could do was to sit and smile at the computer screen as I watched the money go up. Once the time was up and the money was transferred into my Paypal, (my Mother's Paypal, you have to be 18 to have a Paypal, I am 17...) I cheered and went on a spending spree. My parents looked at me, concerned about how I could be so excited over £50 and probably regretting my birth and probably irritated that they didn't exchange me at an adoption agency.
Anyway, the point is, it felt so good to know that in fact, I made that money all by myself! That was my doing and it felt so great to be able to spend something that I had earnt for myself.
I wasn't done with this feeling, I WANTED MORE!
So I started Googling. I was Googling fast, very fast. I needed to know that there was more ways than one. I had nothing to sell. I loved every bit of clothing and furniture I had so selling things online wasn't an option for me anymore.
Oh, did I mention that that was my first tip... buying and selling? Oh okay, well stupidly I forgot to mention that but there we go. Your first big way to make money! Find some random shit in your house and sell it! Do buyer's collect if you don't live near a post office, weirdly, people will come to your house and pick something up, even if it is just for one messed up record. I can't even explain how excited that woman was when she saw the records. I felt like I had just given Justin Bieber to a twelve year old girl, that's the kind of excitement she was feeling.
So once Ebay username Buttercupcandyflower22 left my house and nearly reversed her car into my gates and sworn a little whilst exiting my drive way. I hopped onto the computer and started a more thorough search on how to make better life decisions and how I should finish my homework and why I should wax the hairs under my eyebrows, I finally googled, 'How to make money online.'
So yes, I was done with the whole selling thing, I didn't have enough items to sell and it is a stressful thing to do with the whole, who the fuq is about to show up at my house thing and the whole, should I bring the axe or the chainsaw incase they decide to beat me up? These where all question's I had to ask Google of course.
It was extremely difficult to find actual ways to make money online and I wasn't ready to give up!
Until I found something that changed my life.
(Insert cliff hanger)
Looks like you're going to have to read the next chapter ;).
XoXo Gossip girl,
A.K.A The Search Surgeon
A.K.A Lottie x
How To Make Money Online
HumorWant to be a trillionaire in under thirty seconds? Well click on his dodgy link over here. You may need to enter everything about you including the name of your first pet Giraff but it should only take up a second of your time. Actually, you could b...