Making Money By Selling Your Photos Online and Through App's

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First of all yes, I am a book that is recommending another book but trust me, it will be worth it. I recently read this book below and it really helped me with gaining more of a knowledge when it comes to making money online. If you would like more of a professional guide to making money online feel free to purchase the book below by using the link!

(Super Helpful book)

Anyway, so for this chapter I wanted to look more into different sites that will help you make money as from the previous chapter's, you guys seem to like the whole making money through websites thing. 

Now the only thing you need for this is a camera with a fairly good quality because let's be real here, no one is going to want to buy a shitty grainy photo. No no no no no. Currently, I am using my iPhone 8 and I have made up to £50 in the last week by using apps.

There are loads of other websites you can use to sell your photo's even if they aren't amazing, sites like Shutterstock, they always need new photo's so try them out but I am more of an app kind of gal so here are the two app's I used to sell my photos (of my Alpaca's, they sold very fast!) with: 

EyeEm - Pretty sure it works on both Apple products and Android... they may have an online site too but you probs need to check that out. 

Scoopshot - They are really good for making money with as they have competition's and luckily I have won three this week! Only using photo's of my Alpaca's... people love my alpaca's. It is pretty easy to get your photo's put on the market so maybe try it out!

Hoped this helped guys. If I come across any other way's for making money online I will, of course, share with you so keep updated and make sure to add this book/guide to your reading lists and vote if you are liking it!

I also love comments because who doesn't... x

Much love, 

The Search Surgeon.


gossip girl...

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