Drum Roll Please

355 11 1

So, congratulations you have reached the end! You are probably out of breath and thanking me. Maybe... You better be! Joking, feel free to reverse you car into my gates just like Ebay username ButterCupBlahblahblah22 did. 

So the final survey site is Toluna.

This site is certainly very good and it is easy to get points. You need roughly 180000 points in order to get £35 and you can earn anything from 1500-5500 points per survey, so yes, it isn't as fast as the other's but still worth it. You can cash out on what you like. They have anything from Voucher's to discount's on services so I would say it is definitely worth it. The survey's are pretty easy to apply for and they are fun so why not just sign up for it. 

That's all I have to say about that one!

So that's it. I hope this was some interest to you and that you found it fairly helpful. 

I always need random story ideas. If you know my page well you would know that my title's are completely random and they are about what I feel like writing at the moment in time so if there is anything at all you want me to write about in the next story you can either comment here or just send me a private message!

Make sure to vote if you liked it! And tell me if these survey site's work for you or if you know a really good survey site that I should try, comment it here so other's can see and I will take a look!

Thank you for reading, I am going to go and make a cup of tea with at least twenty sugars then I will sleep. 

Happy reading, don't do drugs kids!


The Search Surgeon,

A.K.A, Lottie x

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