Chapter 2

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                   3rd Person POV

Tomorrow would be the first day of the convention. So today, Jack and Mark decided to go get the car the Mark had rented.

"You ready Mark? I'm gonna call an Uber now."

"Yup. Go ahead."

Jack grabbed his phone, going to the Uber app, successfully calling an Uber. He put his phone in his pocket, rubbing his temples.

"I have like, the worst headache right now. I'll be back, I'm gonna take an Aleve before we go."

Jack went to his bathroom, and opened the cabinet and grabbed an Aleve. He closed it, taking a quick look at his reflection, before turning away. But then, he turned back to his reflection. He got closer, and closer until his face was about a 2 inches away from the mirror.

Why did his eyes He thought it was a trick of the light first. Lots of his subscribers used to think his eyes were green until he confirmed they were actually blue in a Reading Your Comments video. He blinked a few times to confirm it wasn't his imagination, getting a little bit closer......Suddenly his reflection reached out of the mirror, grabbing his throat. He clawed at the hand, in a last ditch effort to get air into his lungs. His throat and chest burned like fire, and his vision went blurry. Everything started to fade into black, and his body started to go limp....

He opened his eyes with a jump. Taking deep breaths as if they were his last. He looked around, and he was laying on the bathroom floor, curled in a ball. He sat up, shaking.

'What is happening to me?' he thought to himself.

He stood up on trembling legs, trying to get out of the bathroom as fast as he could. He didn't even dare look at the mirror. He walked in the room to see Mark was looking out the window, waiting for the Uber.

"H-how long was I in there?" he asked Mark.

Mark turned around, getting a worried look on his face.

"About a minute, why? Are you ok? You're so pale, you look like you just saw a ghost."

"Y-yeah, it's just that.....I....." Jack thought back over the events that happened in the past 2 days.

His breathing, slowly started to pick up, and his heart beated faster in his chest.

"I-its just.....I......"

He fell to his knees, hyperventilating, not even able to talk.

Mark, seeing that Jack was having a full blown panic attack, quickly ran up to him, placing his hands on his shoulders.

"Jack, jack, calm down! Just breathe, just breathe."

"B-but I-"

"Shut up, stop trying to talk, don't even think about anything right now. Just BREATHE."

Mark started to breathe deeply to serve as a guide.

"Keep breathing like that. I'm going to ask you some questions. Don't say anything, just nod or shake your head. Ok?"

Jack nodded his head, following directions and continuing to take deep breaths.

"Do you need some water or anything to drink?"


"Do you want to go to the hospital? Do you think you need a doctor?"


"Do you think you can make it to the couch to sit down?"


With help from Mark, Jack stood up and slowly walked to the couch. By the time he sat down, Jack's breathing and heartbeat had returned to normal.

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