Chapter 11

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Nathan POV

"Nate! Nate!"

I awoke to a voice whisper-yelling my name.

"Mark?" I groggily said.

"Yeah it's me. Are you okay? How are you feeling?"


I stupidly rolled over onto my back, crushing my already broken finger.

"Ahhh!" I screamed, quickly rolling onto my stomach with my face pressing into the hard floor. "Fuck!" I yelled into the floor.

"Yeah, your middle finger is broken..."

I rolled over to my side to look at Mark. Unlike me, with something tieing my hands and my legs together, he instead sat tied up in a chair.

"What the hell man. This is so crazy..."

"Yeah but nevermind that. I think I have a plan for us to get out."

Listening to Mark, I realized that he probably didn't know the situation he was really in. He didn't understand that Jack wasn't 'Jack' anymore. He wasn't even human right now.

"Mark, I don't think you get it. He is dangerous. That's not Jack anymore. He will kill you without a second thought. He-"

"I know. It's Anti. I've been in almost this same situation. But, how did you know?"

I thought hard, deciding that I could trust Mark.

"Because I'm the same. I know what it feels like. To have your freedom taken away, unable to do anything while your friends and family are tortured by your own hands."

I looked directly at Mark, waiting for a reaction.

"So you too, huh? I'm pretty sure I have something inside me just like you two, but, it's yet to make an appearance."

3rd Person POV

After regaining his balance, Anti stood up and continued walking down the hallway. Blood began to drip from his mouth.

"Oops. Maybe I should have kicked a little softer. Oh well." he smiled.

He came upon a metal door, quickly pushing it open.

"Jack? What the hell?! What are doing?! Let me go!" Felix yelled from his chair.

"Oh Felix. Jack is long gone. Your stuck with little old me now." he said, flashing his eyes.

"What? Jack, if you're fucking with me, then this is NOT funny. I swear to god-"

Anti speedwalked over to Felix, putting the knife up to his neck.

"I can assure you, this isn't a joke."

Felix clenched his jaw, "So, if you're not Jack, as you say, then who are you?"

"Just call me Anti. The entity in your dear friends body."

"Look, Anti, I don't know what you want, but whatever it is, I can assure you, I don't have it."

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