-6: Jason-Flying/ Flame Cape-

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  • Dedicated to Hazel Levesque

Yay! Chapter 3! Where the game startsThis dare is pretty common, but I have a way of putting a special twist on things ;)


-6: Jason-Flying/Flame Cape-


Wow! Being with Annabeth really lifted my spirits! She is so strong and confident, that makes me want to obey her. After she and Percy fell into Tartarus, I was literally shattered. I was more confident in leading the team to victory...

Now, we were all together, and that makes me so happy. But I still think about Frank. He did not come, because he had an accident with Hannibal... Oh! I hope he is alright! I start panicking, then remember that he is at Camp, and he is safe. I am relieved.

We entered the Cabin, and settled down. I sat beside Annabeth, and beside her, Percy, Leo (at the head, as usual), Piper, Jason, and Thalia. Which ended as Thalia on my left and Annabeth on my right.

When finally, when everyone settled down, Leo yelled,"I'll start!". He scanned the room, looking for his victim. His eyes landed on Jason.

Jason's eyes widened, but before he could protest Leo spoke: "Oh! The mighty Jason Grace! Are you scared of me?" Leo asked, waggling his eyebrows. Jason stared him down defiantly. Maybe he did not want to look weak in front of Piper. That reminded me of Frank and I felt sad...

Thalia nudged me. "Hazel, wake up. What are you dreaming? Come on!" she said as we headed outside. "Whaẗ́s the dare?" I asked her. 

"Nobody knows. Wait and watch." she replied as we stopped. 

I watched Jason take a deep breath, and accept the towel given to him by a grinning Percy. He then ties it around his neck like a cape.

I look on... Jason lifts his right arm into the air... and zooms up! He yells, "I am Superman! I will come to your rescue!"

Leo is on the ground literally, ROLLING ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING. I stare quizzically at him and back at Jason. I then realize the cape is on fire! I stifle a laugh and I notice Percy and Nico are also laughing hysterically on the ground!

Piper and I, finally crack up! The other campers stare in shock, some in anger, and the others in wonder. Some throw rocks. Some take photos. The Aphrodite Cabin are 'oohing' and 'ahhing' over him. One faints. Jason swoops over, still not noticing his flaming cape! He picks up the girl and flies away! I turn, expecting Piper to be upset, but she's laughing heartily. 

Finally, Jason comes back, and then realizes that his cape is on fire! "LEO!" he bellows. "NOT. FUNNY!" For him! I chuckle as he dashes to the canoe lake and jumps in it. The naiads scream and throw their hair brushes and make up stuff at him!

After a few minutes, he staggers back to us, fully drenched. Percy taps him to dry him. He charges Leo, who flees. Jason, superman style, chases Leo around Camp, and stops after Leo flees into Bunker 9.

Piper goes and knocks on the door and calls him out. He then stubbornly apologizes to Jason. After laughs that make our stomach hurt, we head to Cabin 3.

Demigodly Torture: Percy Jackson Truth or Dare [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now