-7: Percy-Almost Dies By Jason's Sister-

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-7: Percy-Almost Dies By Jason's Sister-


OMG! Jason was hilarious! I'd give a A+! Jason chased Leo around Camp, until he was in Bunker 9. Then Piper called him and he came running out, terrified. Oh Gods! That was terrific!

After we settled in my Cabin, Jason searched for his victim. He opened his mouth and asked, "Percy, truth or dare?" I froze. I didn't expect him to ask me! I thought he'll target Leo.


He grinned wickedly and said, "Go find a newbie, and tell her that you want to show her around. And then jump into the lake, and stay there for five minutes!"

I could feel everybody's eyes on me and I turned pale. "I-I can't." I stuttered.

"Go do it, Seaweed Brain! It won't be so bad!" Annabeth chided.

"Wow, Annabeth, so mature," I said sarcastically. She blushed. "Well, I shouldn't be wise all the time. You said so yourself." (A/N: Refer the 'DemiBook')

I walked out of my Cabin. I casually walked towards the Hermes Cabin. I noticed a girl. She looked nervous.

I went over to her and held out my hand. "Hi. I am Percy Jackson." She nervously took my hand and shook it lightly. "Hi. Crystal Powers. Daughter of Zeus."

"Are you new?"

"Yeah," she said, looking at her feet.

"I'll show you around," I offered. "Yeah. Okay." Crystal was pale, with blue eyes and blond hair.

I show her the Cabins, Campfire, and Arena, where we train. I then take her to the lake, and sit down by the edge.

"This is the canoe lake," I tell her. She nods. "Hey, wait. Let me show you my sword, Riptide."

I take out my pen, and flick it into the lake, making it look like an accident. "Oops! Lemme get it. Stay here!"

I jump into the lake and stay there for five minutes. I don't have any idea, what happens. After a minute, or so it seems, I jump out and flee. I catch Crystal behind me. I run faster. God knows what a child of Zeus could do.

Child of Zeus: Happy: Jason: Strong

Child of Zeus: Angry : Crystal : Dangerous

That was the data and the only good thing which I managed to procure from my punishment. Should I be proud?

I say this, because after I returned to my Cabin, and Crystal was done with me:

(1) My clothes were in tatters

(2) My clothes had burn marks and holes

(3) I had a broken nose

(4) I had a black eye

The minute I entered my cabin, I was bombarded by Annabeth.

"Percy!" screamed Annabeth. I smiled groggily. "Oh! Percy! Let's go to the infirmary!" screamed Annabeth.

And I blacked out.


Hey, Winners! I want to honor somebody, @PurpleCat02, she is my best demigod friend! She has an awesome story! Please read it!

Bye, Winners!

Demigodly Torture: Percy Jackson Truth or Dare [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now