-28: Travis-Tratie-

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23/12/20: I didn't know any better when writing this the first time, but don't kiss anyone without their consent!

-28: Travis-Tratie-


"So, who's turn is it now?" Jason asked.

"Well... While you were away, Leo got dared-" I said.

"-And his question was to-" said Connor.

"-Tell his crush, and-"

"-He said Calypso!" Connor finished.

I saw Leo blush. "So it's my turn!" He exclaimed. "Um, Travis!"

"Dare," I said bored.

"Go chat with Katie, then kiss her!" He said.

"What? Are you crazy?" I asked, panicking. I had a crush on her ever since I saw her! No way I could do that dare! "Or?" I asked feebly.

"Choose truth and tell us your crush," Leo replied.

Well, I think the first is better. I can hide my feelings.

"I'll do the first," I said, glaring at Connor, praying he won't smirk. That'll reveal everything.


I ran outside, to the strawberry fields. Katie will there most of the time. I pray that she won't be there this time.

Sadly, she was.

"Hello, Katie!" I said, crouching beside her.

"Hello, Travis," She said, plucking a strawberry and popping in her mouth.

"What's up?" I asked, plucking a strawberry too.

"Nothing. So, haven't seen you for long. What happened?" Katie asked.

"Oh, nothing really." I chuckled nervously. Truth was, I was too shy to talk to her after my crush.

"Don't lie, Travis," She replied.

"Oh, yeah! Um, I've some stuff to do. Got to go, bye!" I got up, but not before placing a sweet and lovable kiss on her lips, and ran off, leaving a stunned and startled Katie after me.

"TRAVIS!" I could hear her voice, and she probably was shaking her fist.

She doesn't like me like that, I thought bitterly. She only thinks of me as a friend and prankster.

With those bitter thoughts embedded in my mind, I walked back to Poseidon cabin.


Sigh. So sweet. I just love Tratie. So adorable

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