-16: Thalia-Sick-

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Hi, Winners!

This chapter's dedication is to... g_horan123! (Name changed) Who got the answer correct!


-16: Thalia-Sick-


Poor Travis! What a shock he had!

Finally, everyone settled down. Connor said, "Thalia, truth or dare?"

I chose dare. "I dare you to... ride an extreme roller coaster!"

I almost fainted. "You know I'm scared of heights!" I yelled at him. "Isn't that the reason I've given you this dare?" he asked me.

"Fine. You will never give up your ways, anyways!" I muttered.

We asked Chiron if we could go into the city, or rather Piper charmspoke him.

We agreed that only me, Percy, Piper, Leo and Connor should go and we reached the carnival in around one hour.

We paid for the tickets, and we sat in the roller coaster. I sat at the head, Percy and Piper behind me, Leo and Connor behind them. So, I was left alone.

I was terrified. Slowly, we began to move. The ride went up, and up, and up. I was glad I had brought a barf bag with me. Suddenly, the ride tipped and rolled down at a very high speed! 

I heard someone screaming, must be me. I thought I left my stomach somewhere on the tip. 

I felt nauseous and vomited into the bag somehow. "Aahhh!" I heard a girl's scream. "Yuck! Gross! How dare you!"

"Sorry," I managed to say as the car went onto a flat lane. Piper noticed me and handed me a cover and tissue paper.

"Clean yourself!" she ordered. I obeyed her. We went through many twists, turns, and drops. The car jerked a bit and I was horrified it might fall off.

Finally, the ride ended. I staggered out of the car, and went to yell at Connor.

"I will have my revenge!" I yelled and glared daggers at him. "You'll pay!" I yelled.

Percy and Jason pulled me off of him and I relaxed a slight bit. But, I thought of a nice plan.


I feel so bad for Thalia. At least she'll get her revenge!

"Question Of The Day!"

What are the nicknames of Piper and Thalia in the whole series of HoO and PJO? At least one for each.


Comment soon and get a dedication!


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