-23: Night!-

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Hey, Winners/ Unicorns!

Yay! I got 2.2K reads and 89 votes on this book! Keep it up, and thank you for voting!

BTW, please read 'The DemiBook' and 'Jasper4ever'. They are my books.


-23: Night!-


After dinner, we wished each other goodnight. Somehow, I had a hunch, to tell Stephanie and Drew goodnight. I don't know why, just a hunch...

I snuggled into my rug. I felt I had a very lucky day; as if a narrow escape. Dunno why. I had a peaceful sleep, as if! Demigod sleeps are so dreadful!


I woke up in a cold sweat. I dreamt that the seven were fighting a giant, who flung two of us into the cliff below... Two females... I shook that thought from my mind, and looked out of the window. Sunlight was streaming through it. I sighed and looked around. My siblings were still asleep, but few empty beds were there.

"Piper!" My half sister, Lacy, stood there beaming at me. "Good morning." I yawned. She stood there beaming. I raised an eyebrow. "Get ready!" She squealed. I shook my head in annoyance and walked to the showers with my towel in hand.

"Piper?" I looked around. Nobody. I shrugged and continued to the showers.


I walked into my cabin, only to be hurried to the vanity table. Guess who it belonged to? Lacy.

She squealed and giggled excitedly. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "What do you want, Lacy?" I said hopefully not sounding irritated.

She nodded and said, "Jason asked you out on a date! A road trip!" I was confused. "What? When?"



Sorry for the long wait! I feel that I lost interest in it...

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