Chapter Four

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Pvt. Wallace flash back
November 3 2532
City center


Wallace and his team went door through door. The only things they had encountered so far were grunt patrols and some jackals. And Wallace was very glad of that. On their way to his old apartment they had found some civilians so he ordered four marines to escort them back to the troop transport. They were crossing a bridge that got them to the other side of the apartments when they heard a loud crack.  A jackal sniper had blown one of his marines head off. That was a five minute fire fight. When the got there there was more civilians and he managed to find his ex girlfriend was alive. But her boyfriend had been injured with the crystal shards from a needler. They were nasty and when they bunch up on their target they explode.

Which is what unfortunately had happened to the poor man. His gut was hanging out, while he bleeded out.  He was in enough shit already. So he decided to help the man.

Just when Wallace was starting to feel safe a phantom came in from the south and started dropping troops on a platform directly north of them.
Alright men defensive positions, we're going to hold this spot as long as we can. And so they did, they took out the grunts first. With a trio burst of a Br-55. But the elites were a tough problem. So he took a plasma pistol from one of the dead grunts in the corridor and ordered his men to fire on the elites after he shot them with the plasma pistol. The first elite to start crossing from the platform to their position was an elite with red armor. So Wallace wasted no time, he saw the elite and overcharged the plasma pistol. He let the overcharged bolt go and the elite lost its shields, he was instantly peppered with bullet holes. He did the same for the other two elites. They dropped dead in seconds. Just when they were getting ready to get going the phantom circled around and dropped more elites only this time they had energy swords.

Once he saw the three elites with energy swords he had lost it. He ordered his men to get going. Two of his marines had picked up the dying man while he had picked up his Ex.

"Wort wort wort". He heard the elites closing in and decided to look back.

Shit !! Their on top of us. Cover fire cover fire !!!!

The  hall was filled with bullets, they managed to down and kill one of the elites but the other two were still alive and very angry. They got to pvt. Slovak, wich was his rear guard and sliced through him with their energy swords. The poor man never even saw it coming, that was the only good thing he never knew he died. After that I  tossed a frag grenade and kept running, five seconds later it detonated. Wallace and the remainder of his squad were on the first floor and ready to exit the building when he heard his com burst with static
" sarge are you there ? "  yes Caras were here and have civilians with us.  "Thats good news sir but we are under heavy fire, from both ground and air" Roger that private, start the hogs and head out to the south exit of the apartments. " Yes  sir, but we have to make it quick the city is getting over run and honestly I dont want to die here"  We don't want to die here either so have those hogs at the south exit in five minutes. "Sir yes sir " she replied.
They got to the south exit, got on the hogs and got the hell out of there. They got away from the city center and called for evac. The rumbling of the pelican drop ship was at that moment the most beautiful sound he had heard in his life. The drop ship touched down and everyone got in.

Wallace was charged for insubordination and for ignoring dirrect orders. The only thing that saved him from a court martial was the fact that he saved civilian  lives and even with that they still gave him a warning and two weeks of confinement to courters.

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