Chapter Fourteen

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Jericho VII
In route to FOB
2110 hours

The Spartan sat in the cockpit of the pelican looking towards the besieged base, Trying to hail it. It had been around half an hour since they left the coastal city of Jervo, ever since then they had been trying to get a link with the remaining UNSC forces on the planet.

When they were about 2 miles away from the base they hailed it. From the distance they could see the smoke collums and all the havoc and destruction that the covenant had done to the base. "This is Corporal Ada, Bravo 2 please identify yourself !" Said the young corporal. "This is Spartan-098 with some surviving marines and police officers from Jervo." Responded Emily. "A Spartan" whispered the corporal in confusion.

The corporal then called the Commander over to her station and explained the situation. "Spartan, I'm glad to see you. We are currently evacuating the base but your clear to land at pad 6. Just be advised the covenant are on their way for another attack. We might need your help to repel this one." Said the Commander.

"No problem ma'am, heading over to pad 6" responded the Spartan over the pelican's radio. When they landed the group of survivors was greeted by a contingent of marines. "Ma'am follow us this way" said the young private as he saluted her. They passed some sandbags and some marines that were protecting the pads. The marines looked in awe as she passed them, a look that she had become accustomed to. The Spartan looked around at the devastation and frowned inside her helmet. "Poor guys were almost wiped out in the last attack" she thought.

They entered a concrete trench and stopped at the end of a corridor in front of a air tight sealed door. The private stood in front inputted the code and opened the door.

The door opened and the marine went in. "Right this way Ma'am" said the marine. They went past a few corridors, the barracks and the mess hall that had been converted into a makeshift med bay. The last attack had really taken a toll on the base, with about half a dozen wounded soldiers and 5 casualties.

They finally got to the control room where Emily reported herself. "Ma'am Spartan-098 reporting for duty". "At ease spartan" said Commander Luna. "Follow me to the command center where I'll debrief you".

The Spartan was debriefed about the whole situation and of what was to come. They were about to be attacked again by the covenant, and this time they would not hold.

Major Luna turned around to face the spartan and gave her simple orders. "Petty Officer, defend this base until we can evacuate the remaining wounded and personnel." "Yes ma'am" responded the spartan.

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