To cull and detach

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We see slaughtering as a sin, but ignore the things that plume,

Out of the abyss of our throats, each word's lethal fume.

It marred the bodies that once belonged to us, a vessel of such lies,

Now we're simply souls detached from minds, the easiest way to cut ties.

A chisel scrapes ingenuous eyes, but what you see is much more.

A luscious apple can be hacked to its kernel, though it leaves an empty core.

Your mouth had ingrained it into their minds, a world of empty black,

It is not the weapon itself that kills, but the sympathy your mouth will lack.

You either speak too much, or not speak at all, as that is the way it works,

How pitiful it is that the needle that follows, is one that always lurks.

In times of need, it stitches you shut, and detaches yourself again,

You tug and pull at the thread that holds you, struggling just to stay sane.

Reminisce (PART TWO)Where stories live. Discover now