I Am Damaged

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Takes place before season three. Keith is still a paladin and Shiro was never lost.

I am damaged.

Silent tears tolled down Lances' face as he watched his teammates struggle in their chains.

His face was graced with a gentle smile as he realized ehat was happening.

Lance listened as Lotor went over the instructions. Too tired to tune in to his plan completely, he only listened to the key words.

"Paladins... sacrifice... save yourselves."

A gun was placed in between all five paladins, and Lance watched as Shiro and Keith fought against which one of them would die.

Far too damaged.

Slowly and quietly, Lance crept towards the weapon. Nobody noticed. That was nothing new.

His hand grabbed onto the hilt of the pistol-like gun. His trigger finger slid easily into position.

Only when he let out a little laugh did the others look over.

Their wide and terrified eyes met his as he lifted the gun.

But.. you're not beyond repair.

They didn't know what he was going to do. Pidge started to cry. Hunk held her while he shook slightly. Keith and Shiro were demanding he kill one of them.

The Cuban male almost laughed at how oblivious they were being.

He looked over the gun, attempting to find the Safety. He pulled it back and held the piston in front of him.

Stick around here... make things better...

Lance took a good look around the room and looked right in the eyes of every person before him.

Pidge had a terrified look in her eyes.

Hunk looked just as scared, but held back tears.

Shiro looked on in acceptance as if he knew he was going to die.

Keith looked furious at the fact that they were caught here.

Finally, he met the eyes of Lotor behind the bulletproof glass.

He was standing, victorious, with his hands behind his back. His spine was straight and he looked down at all of the paladins.

..because you beat me fair and square.

Lance felt his eyes drain of tears and his arms stop shaking.

He held it all in, just like before.

Just like when the bullies at his school dumped chocolate milk all over him and pretended that he blended in with the droplets that hit the floor.

Just like when Iverson compaired him to his late rival, Keith, and criticized every move he made.

Just like back in the castle, when the small comments directed towards him fucking tore through his heart.

Lance slowly got to his feet, a grim smile on his face.

Please stand back now.

Lance took a couple steps back.

..a little further..

His back hit the cold wall behind him. The cold weapon in his hands unknowing of the things it will be used for.

It glowed just like Shiro's arm; a beautiful purple light.

Don't know what this thing will do.

He looked over to his 'rival', Keith.

The boy who tore through his accomplishments like they were nothing.

The boy who made him feel like shit for being alive.

The boy that somehow managed to steal his heart.

Hope you'll miss me,
Wish you'd kiss me,
Then you'd know I worship you.

Keiths' eyes held a sudden flicker of recognition as soon as he found out what Lance was doing.

I'd trade my life for yours,

"Oh my God.."

And once I disappear..

"Wait, hold on-"

Lance looked back directly into Lotor's eyes and smiled grimly. It seems like both Lotor and Keith now knew what was going on. The other paladins watched in confusion.

Clean up the mess down here..

"Not this way!"

Our love is God.

Lance raised the gun up to his own head, drawing multiple gasps and surprised shrieks from Pidge and Hunk.

Our love is God.

Lance looked down at the gun once more and softly felt along the odd ridges nicked into the sides.

Our love is God.

Loud sobs broke from Keith's mouth as Lance smiled.

Our love is God.

Shiro jerked forward only to be stopped just by his chain. He pulled furiously on it as Pidge jumped up along side him.

Neither could reach Lance.

"Our love is God..."

Lance sang aloud softly as he slid his eyes closed. Keith uncovered his mouth and held in a sob as he said the final line.

"...say hi to God."

The trigger was pulled.

That day, five paladins went in, and only four were able to make it out alive.

Tell me if I should do more song fics. I need ideas. The song is 'I Am Damaged' from Heathers: The Musical.

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