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In honor of my not-sons' boyfriend, Keith, I wanted to make a birthday happy fic. If you want to skip it because you are here for the Langst, I understand. The next chapter should be either tonight or tomorrow evening. Also, this is a Klance chapter.

Keith rubbed his eyes as he sat up. Yawning, he stretched loudly. The crack heard from his back startled his little fluffball, Red, and almost made her fall off the nightstand. That made Keith stifle a laugh.

Getting dressed, the Korean male began his walk to the dining area. All around him, the halls were dark, causing him a bit of confusion. Shouldn't the lights be on? Did the power go out? Did everybody get caught? Did the Galra attack?

Keith shook his head violently as pessimistic thoughts filled his head. Turning a corner, the poor boy almost screamed. Before him was a hooded figure. He could not see their face, nor coukd he hear any sound coming from them as they stepped forward.

Something from behind caught him by surprise as he was suddenly blinded. He could only assume there were multiple people, seeing as his eyes were on the person in front of him the whole time. His wrists were tied tight, and he swore internally for not being prepared with his knife.

The figures dragged a flailing Keith down the hall and into something. Keith tried to yell, but something was stuffed in his mouth and tied around the back of his head. Said male felt the hum of something starting up and the sudden jerk of activation as a ship took flight.

As soon as they were shot into space, the gag placed in Keiths' mouth was taken out, and with so came a million questions.

"Where are we going? Who are you? What the fuck? I'm gonna kick your ass!"

Well, the final thing wasn't really a question. More like a promise.

The people stayed silent, only making noise when they moved. Even then, it only sounded like one person was in the vehicle.

"How many are you?"

Silence followed the question.

Keith whipped his legs around, furiously kicking anything he came in contact with. A warm body was soon holding him down.

The Korean male decided to stay quiet and unmoving until the ship stopped.

"How long will this be?"

The silence was enough for him to know that this... might be a while.

Keith suddenly regretted not going to the bathroom before being kidnapped.


The former red paladin realized he must have fallen asleep sometime on the 6 hour long journey when he was gently shook awake by his shoulders. Throwing his leg up, he attempted to kick whoever was holding him in the groin. Hearing a groan, he know he must've hit his target.

Spinning, he went to kick them again, but were stopped by a large... well, a large something. It seemed to have one cold limb and one warm limb.


Was that...?

His blindfold was ripped off and the rope he was tied with dropped off of his wrists. Blinking at the sudden light, he heard a chorus of screams.


Shiro stood in front of him, and his friends were jumping behind him. Pidge was wearing a cloak similar to the ones he was back at the castle, so he knew she was part of the plan. Suddenly, he realized what was hapoening.

He nearly fell over in shock as he realized what day it was.

It was October 23.

It was his birthday.

Looking through the people, he spotted all of the paladins but one.

"Where is Lance?"

"Right... ow... here, babe..."

Keith spun on his heel and met an odd sight.

Lance was curled up in the fetal position holding his groin and wincing.

Oh, quiznack.

Keith must've hit Lance!

Now, instead of being a good boyfriend and helping the poor boy up, do you know what he did?

He laughed.

He quiznacking laughed.

Keiths' face slowly turned a bright shade of pink as his lack of breath caught up to him, but try as he might, he couldn't stop laughing.

Just the sight of Lance on the floor made him crack up once more, and soon both males were rolling on the ground.


After Lance and Keith finally got up, Keith demanded answers. Pidge gladly gave them to him.

"Alright, so Hunk found this cool planet with gravity similar to Earth, and Lance had the idea to have a party for you here. We knew you wouldn't come here without seeing what was going on, so I had made a plan to kidnap you. Lance and I went to the castle, shut off the lights from the main control panel, and eaited for you to wake up. Lance was the person you screamed at, and I managed to blindfold and tie you up before you could stop me. We brought you here and BAM!! SURPRISE!!!"

Keith smiled slightly at the fact that Lance was the one who wanted to throw him a party. He also suddenly became confused.

"Wait.. how could I not hear him? I heard you, Pidge, but I couldn't hear him."

Pidge smiled. "Lance can actually be very quiet! He actually full on sprinted after you when he saw you woke up. He also somehow passed you up and met you face to face... well, more like face to hood. I couldn't even hear him when he took off! It was amazing!"

Lance blushed at the unusual amount of praise he was getting before walking over to Keith.

"Sorry about the kidnapping thing. I hope I didn't hurt you." Lance looked over the Korean teen with a concerned glint in his eyes. Keith smiled softly and grabbed his face.

"I am fine, you dork. You really scared me, though. I could have killed you!" Lance looked guilily at his boyfriend who just gently pressed a kiss against his lips. Said boy smiled partially before breaking their lip lock.

"I'm sorry, babe. I hope I didn't scare you too much." The gaylord and the sharpshooter shared tender glances before Pidges' shout broke their concentration.


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