At Your Service

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Keith sat in class, bored right out of his mind. This class was his final of the day, so paying attention was not his main priority, for now. His violet eyes wandered towards the window to his left, watching some of the kids in the courtyard below. Time was passing extremely slow for the angsty hothead and unfortunately, his mind seemed to wander to the darkest side of his thoughts. He needed a distraction, and fast.

Craning his head over the side of his desk, he dug quietly through his surprisingly neat backpack, pulling a notebook right through the torn top of the black bookholder. Flipping past various scribbles and doodles to a random page, he grabbed a red ballpoint pen, careful to not accidentally break it (he had done that already in the past. It was not fun for him).

Letting his left hand roam ceaselessly into patterns, Keith realized his favourite thing to draw seemed to be an odd pentagram with demonic swirls and symbols in a bold ring on the outside. Now this did not surprise him in the slightest, seeing as his thoughts were literally as dark as his soul which, if it had a physical appearance, would be an inky mess of blacks and reds and maybe even blues.

Losing himself in his weird drawings, a sudden door slam made his head jerk right up (donttakeitoutofcontextdonttakeitoutofcontextdonttake-OH GOD WHY) and once his eyes snapped onto a tall, dark figure, his surprise instantly became confusion and curiosity. His puzzlement grew when he realized the person was dressed in almost all black, the only thing of colour being the outlines of his tuxedo which were a midnight blur the same as his eyes and.... his horns?! The two small, blue deerlike antlers protruded right from the soft brown hair as if having grown in naturally. If he wasn't sure about seeing things before, he sure as hell was now. Questions buzzed through his head, changing from 'who the fuck' to 'what the fuck' and even to 'can I fuck??' but he shut that last one down (sadly) almost instantly.

Snapping from his thoughts as a dark hand waved angrily right in front of his face, Keith slammed his notebook closed, skin darkening into a fine pink. This colour only deepened as he realized the distance between their faces, but thankfully, a voice tore him from his observations.

"Hey you, why did you summon me so many times? I'm a busy man, especially with the ladies." The cocky and arrogant male before him winked to a female student next to him, but with him not being visible to anybody else, she just carried on, unaware of the events occuring. Keith, now realizing what he did and who this was, began cleaning his stuff up, knowing he couldn't stand another second with this... this... fuckboy demon.

"Hey, you realize I can hear your thoughts, right? No need to be a dick. I'm only here because you summoned me, anyways. Now that I think about it, why did you summon me?" The attractive male questioned, Keith pausing for a second before ignoring him and scooping up his backpack and shoving past the demon.

Through the crowd, Keith heard his professor yell about it not being time to leave yet, and with which he pointed up at the clock above his head. Ironically, the second he did so, the bell rang, drowning the angry shouts from both the teacher and the accidentally summoned demon.

Sprinting to his motorcycle and hopping on, said male started his mechanical vehicle and took off. He wound through the narrow streets, dodging frightened pedestrians and buildings alike. His encounter with the demon left his mood in a perpetual circle of irritation, anger and displeasure.

When he stopped at a traffic light, he felt eyes watching him from the shadows. With his black hair flying a bit wildly, he turned, eyes widening. In a little alleyway, he watched as a tall figure disappeared into the darkness, eyes and horns glowing a menacing blue. Somehow, this was more hot than scary for him, though.

Oh, fuck.


Keith, having sped home, entered his small apartment, throwing off his black hoodie and tossing it onto the ragged, puke green couch. He turned and locked both the deadbolt and the regular doorknob, not chancing anything. His apartment was already a piece of shit, but it wad the only place he could afford, even with as many jobs as he had. He couldn't help it when-

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