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I walked to my car the next morning dressed in my usual band T-shirt, khaki chinos, and run down vans. I let my shoulder length hair fall and made sure not to forget my glasses. It was too early in the morning for me to be up and about, but I continued on to my new school anyways.

By the time I got there I saw the sea of high schoolers piling into the school. I took one final breath and got out of my car, slinging my backpack over my shoulder.

Already I noticed a couple of stares coming from the seniors sitting and talking by their cars. I'm not really a shy person, pretty much the complete opposite. But being new after the school year has already started, I felt pretty isolated.

Ignoring their stares I entered the gray building, locating the office in the front of the school.

"Hello sir, how could I help you?" A stout blonde woman asked.

"I'm Orion Ahmadi. I'm a new student, I have my papers from my other high school," I stated handing the forms to her.

"Oh of course! Principal Sanders is expecting you, so you can go right ahead into his office," she explained.

I nodded my head, going towards the door she directed me too.

His door stood ajar, as I saw the salt and pepper hair of the principal.

"Mr. Sanders?" I asked as he looked up at me with the sound of my voice.

"You must be Orion! Come right in, close the door behind you."

I shut the door, taking a seat in the uncomfortable chair in front of his large mahogany desk.

"It's nice to meet Orion. I'm sure you're pretty nervous about your first day," he says leaning against his seat.

"Not really nervous. It's just...stupid that I'm starting a new school after the year has already started," I stated. He nods his head, seeming to agree with me.

"I understand how you must be feeling. But, I assure you there's not much to worry about. Every student here is welcoming in their own ways. And from what I've seen from your other school, a musician such as yourself will fit in just fine. Our school has one of the best music programs in the state, so you'll have nothing to worry about in respects to adjusting here," he explains.

"Thank you sir," I state.

We talk for a few more minutes as he explains the way the halls and rooms are marked, lunch schedules based on what floor your class is on and then hands over my schedule. I don't have too many classes, as majority of the ones I took in California thankfully transferred over, which means I was able to cut my schedule practically in half. Sanders walked me to my first class, which was Psychology, and before I left him I remembered something important.

"Before I forget sir, there is something you should know about me. The US government stated I'm legally obliged to," I say handing over a small identification card stating I am an elemental bender.

"You're a fire bender?" He asks oddly calm.

"Yes sir," I say placing the card back into my wallet.

"Well, thank you for sharing with me. I'll be sure to take note of that. If you need anything else, please let me know," he says.

I glance at my watch seeing I've only missed about 20 minutes of the class, so I knock on the door to see a shorter but young looking teacher answer it.

"You must be Orion, I'm Mr. Hirota. Come right in," he says with a smile.

He points me to a desk where a girl who looks to be my age sits. Her light brown hair has similar curls to mine, with bright eyes looking over to me. I smile shyly as she returns it.

"These are the notes for what you've missed so far," she whispers.

"Thanks," I say taking the paper from her and smiling again.
Psychology flew by, as I had forgotten how interesting this class is. Before I knew it an hour had passed by, and I was headed off to History a few classrooms down the heavily packed hallway.

I sit in class next to a sort of preppy but relaxed kid who introduced himself to me as Jax. He was friends with a girl named Serena, who sits across from him, with long dark hair, bangs and intense eyeliner framing her eyes. Seeming nice enough I sat with them, and they quickly made me feel more comfortable.

I felt myself become less uneasy as the day went on. And due to the classes I had to take at the school, I got to choose a music course. The band instructor offered a guitar ensemble class, which went on just as I expected. Who wouldn't want to be in a room full of people who just sat there and played guitar?

Once my day was over, I had no other classes to take and was done before the lunch periods. So, I gladly went home and started on my homework. After a while I was tired of it and headed outside to practice more of my forms.

Maybe North Carolina wasn't going to be too bad.

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