I hugged everyone goodbye, and wiped a tear from my cheek. "Good luck Emma" Mum managed to finally stutter to me. "I'll be fine, I'll text you when I get to London, okay?"
Mums cheeks were red, and sodden with tears. You would think she would finally be okay with me leaving to live on my own, when it was her idea in the first place.
Do I want to go? Yes. At least that's what I have been telling myself over and over. Can I cook? No. Good start.
Mum continued to soak my shoulder with tears, until a booming voice filled the airport. "Flight 106, flight 106, boarding now, if all passengers could make their way to gate 3, flight 106, boarding now".
"Text me when you get there" "I will" "Emma I'm serious, I'm really worried for you" "thanks for the words of encouragement" maybe she knows I can't cook. "Bye"
"bye Emma"